Friday, November 02, 2007

waffle knit dishcloth pattern

Lots and lots of dishcloths have been flying out of the Firefly Farm shop ~thank you all for the support!
My favorite is a pattern I came up with using the raised box stitch, which gives the dishcloth a great waffle texture. For anyone interested in making it, I would like to share the pattern. Wouldn't several of these, along with some of Mrs Meyers dish soap, make a nice Christmas gift?
Waffle Knit Dishcloth
from Homespun Living

Materials: 1 ball Lion cotton yarn; additional yarn for colored stripe, if desired.
Size 6 needles (4.25 mm)


Cast on 38 stitches.
Knit 3 rows for border.

Waffle Knit Pattern:
Row 1: (right side): Knit.

Row 2: K 3, purl to last 3 stitches, k 3.

Row 3: K 3, (P 2, k 1) 10 times, p 2, k 3.

Row 4: K 3, (K 2, p 1) 10 times, k 5.

Work this 4 row pattern, 6 times. If a colored center stripe is desired, change yarn now and work rows 1 – 4, 2 times in desired color.
Change back to main color and work the 4 row pattern, 6 times.

Knit last 4 rows.
Bind off and weave in ends.


  1. Deb,
    This is a beautiful pattern - I love the raised box stitch. How clever of you to be able to create your own knitting pattern! Thanks so much for sharing it. I have lots of wool left over from making afghans, so will definitely make a Waffle Knit Dishcloth .

  2. Thank you so much for this beautiful pattern... I have enjoyed all your wonderful patterns, thanks so much for sharing...



  3. Anonymous3:38 PM

    I love the pattern. Thanks for sharing it, as I am going to be making a few to give as gifts this Christmas

  4. Anonymous3:46 PM

    They're really beautiful! I love mine! You're right, that would make a wonderful present.


  5. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Thank you for sharing your pattern! I'll be making one soon to send to my honey along with some other goodies for Christmas.

  6. They are certainly beautiful washcloths! Thank you for sharing the pattern. One day I hope to learn to knit, right now I crochet. Just lovely!

  7. Thanks for your visit Deb and also for leaving me a message :) I have to admit, i thought you were gone for good, but i am glad you are not.

    I really love this pattern, wish i could understand the tutorial and how to make them. I guess i have enough with my sewing these days. Yes, i am trying to improve my technical skills. I have now enough books. I recently bought a great book from katrin cargill, it is filled with so many good instructions and illustrations, i think it is perfect for me! Yes, for me that can`t understand tutorials very well :) I guess it is because i am a Norwegian girl who tries to learn from English books :))I am using the dictionary a lot..
    I hope you have good days Deb, and happy weekend! Aina x

  8. I'm really into dishcloths these days--you could call it almost instant gratification--and this one looks both beautiful and easy! Thanks!

  9. Anonymous12:33 AM

    Oh, Deb! I was just showing Dani a picture of this very dish cloth yesterday and telling her how pretty I thought it was!!! Thank you, so very, very much, for sharing the pattern. It's time to start knitting dish cloths again!

  10. Deb, that's a cute little pattern, I will give it a go!

  11. Thank you for sharing this pattern. I've made a few ball band cloths using the Mason-Dixon pattern but I have to concentrate too much on what I'm doing. I enjoy reading your blog.

  12. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Deb, this is a great pattern! I am trying it today. Thank you for sharing it.

    maria s.

  13. Love the pattern. Thanks for sharing it. I love to knit. It's so relaxing for me.



  14. This is a great gift idea--I'm in love with the whole concept. Thank you so much for the idea as well as the pattern.

  15. Thanks for sharing this pattern....I love your idea for Christmas gifts! Your blog is wonderful, and I look forward to each post.

  16. Anonymous5:26 PM

    I simply love the photo of the dishcloths tied with the ribbon next to the sugar jar. I just started my blog and find that the greatest challenge is presentation of the things I make. You sure have it down!

  17. Anonymous6:19 PM

    thanks for the pattern I can't wait to make some for myself.

    cheers Lenny

  18. This is a very nice cloth, and what a nice gift idea. I'm going to give it a try. Thank you for sharing. Linda

  19. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Thank you for sharing the pattern. I have been knitting some dish cloths to send to my Grandmother for her birthday and this was the perfect final one. My husband even likes this one. It knit quick, had visual appeal with the boxes and as my husband says...has the all important stretch factor.

  20. Oh, my first EVER attempt to "follow" a pattern. You made it so much easier to understand than the ones I've been looking at to learn. I'm going to post it to show my progress at learning to knit. Thank you for sharing! (I didn't add the different color, as I've not learned how to do that yet :-} )

  21. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I've been checking your out for a long time now and am so inspired by your talents!! You are an inspiration!

    Blessings to you!

  22. Thank you for sharing this wonderful pattern Deb! Have a lovely weekend :-) Love from Mette in Norway

  23. Wonderful dishcloth, and I'll definetively make some for under the tree this Christmas. Your blog is always a joy to visit!
    God BLESS =)

  24. Great gift idea! Thanks so much for the pattern. I am new to knitting, so these would be great practice!

  25. Your dishcloths are so lovely! Thank you for sharing the pattern. I hope you sell lots and lots of goodies to the holiday shoppers! :o)

  26. Deb,
    If only I could knit....instead, I will just have to continue purchasing my dishcloths from your shop!

    BTW, my mom loves the dishcloths I ordered from you earlier. I "borrowed" two of them from her and just love them. I will never use a sponge again.

  27. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I've admired this cloth since I started reading your blog a few months ago. I'm fairly new to knitting and have really enjoyed making dishcloths. I look forward to knitting up many of these!

    A quick question? Where is the best place to get the Lion Brand cotton? I've only used Sugar'n Cream so far.

  28. I've gotten 2 washcloths made. Thanks for the pattern although the pattern is written right I have yet to knit it correctly for more than 5 pattern repeats, my mind wonders and I do it wrong. The rags still work though.

  29. Anonymous2:50 AM

    I did it! I did it! I finished my first knitting project and this was it!! Thank you, thank you for sharing this project. A friend helped me get going but I made this dish cloth and I love it!

  30. This summer I created a waffle stitch hot pad made with two strands of cotton yarn on size 10 1/2 needles.

  31. Will have to try your pattern - looks great...I love dishcloths :) Thanks for sharing your pattern :) (I'm a Deb, too!)

  32. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Thank you so very much for sharing this pattern. I have been knitting away. I tried to get started last year but just got frustrated. I printed this pattern and took it to my "teacher/mentor". She knitted one right up and got me started on the right track.

  33. Anonymous11:04 AM

    What beautiful dishcloths! I love them!! I'm pretty new to knitting but plan to put this on my list of projects to try. Thanks for posting the pattern.

  34. Anonymous11:10 AM

    thanks for sharing this pattern, it looks great

    your blog is very inspiring :)

    meg from

  35. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Thank you so much for this pattern. I've made three, and am starting on #4! It is beautiful, yet easy and quick to make. I love trying different color combos! I love it--thankyou again. Sue

  36. Thank you so much for sharing this pattern. I found it today and will be making one soon. I make a lot of different charity items and this will be great for that.

  37. Hi, I'm River. I wandered over here from down-to-earth. I love the dishcloths you've made and I've been thinking a couple of dozen of these or more, in plain colour (no stripe) would be great stitched together as a casual throw for the couch. Thanks for the idea.

  38. Thank YOU so much for all your kind comments. Happy knitting!

    1. A question, why does the fourth row end with knit:-)five instead of three?

    2. Row 4: K 3, (K 2, p 1) 10 times, k 5.
      Count your stitches= 3+30+5=38
      Pattern is correct as printed.

  39. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Thank you for posting the pattern. I've just made 2 and am on my third .... it's such a relaxing pattern to do. I wondered at first about the size - but it's perfect.

  40. Deb:
    My name is Debbie, too! I want to applaud you of magnificient job you do with your knitting projects. I love the Circle Cloth and am going to try it when I get home tonight. Can you tell me what row it is when you insert the second color for stripe and what row it is when you take the second color out? I want my dishcloth to look like yours in a different color. Can you help me? Thanks so much and keep up the great work you do!!

  41. HI Deb:
    My name is Debbie, too and I am starting your Waffle Knit dishcloth pattern. Can you tell me what row it is when you insert second color and what row it is when you take the second color out? I like the way it look and want to try and do the same way... Keep up the great work... YOu do a magnificient job!!

  42. Anonymous12:39 AM

    Thanks for the pattern, I love it, it's just what I was looking for.

  43. Hi Deb! :) I just recently taught myself to knit..and I absolutely love it. I have been making scarves and dish cloths and was so thrilled to see this pattern you made up! You are so talented! I copied it and am going to try it. I am still pretty new at this..but I still want to try! I enjoy it so much! Thank you for sharing it with us! :)

  44. I have made several dishcloths and the pattern is great. I am trying to use two colors now but the join doesn't look good. How do you join the colors?

  45. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Thanks for sharing this. Easy and very satisfying:)

  46. I did this pattern for a dishcloth exchange and I loved working on it! It was also greatly received by the other knitters!
    Thank you for creating such a fun, easy pattern. :)
    I'll be making many more!

  47. Anonymous1:47 PM

    what a great pattern. i've just taken up knitting and was looking for something useful that i could make fairly quickly. this looks like just the thing, with my mom by my side to coach me along, of course :)

  48. Anonymous8:13 PM

    I just started knitting again after MANY, MANY years. I've completed one dishcloth and have started another. Great for keeping busy during the recent football games ;) Thanks for sharing the pattern.

  49. Anonymous5:43 PM

    This is a great dishcloth. I like mine smaller, I made it half... and it is perfect.
    Thank you.

  50. Only yesterday I discovered knitting. As a child, I learned to knit at school, but never learned to cast on, how to purl, or how to bind off. After some basics this is my first real pattern and I love it so much. Thank you for sharing!

  51. What a great Pattern. Thank you for sharing. I can't wait to make some!

  52. Hi, my name is Hanna and I thank you sooo much for this pattern!
    I'm a newbie knitting, and also on making dishcloths. I'm already in on my second, thou no stripes..
    thank you thankyou..
    (wandered in from down to earth)

  53. Anonymous11:57 PM

    i did this for my first major project! the pattern works better with plain colored yarn...i did the first few rows in colored and the waffle design didnt really stand out till i used the plain yarn..thanks!

  54. Up to now I have been knitting lace or plain dishcloths but this one really jumps out at me. I will be doing it next. Thanks for sharing the pattern!

  55. Love this pattern! Casting on now!

  56. Thank you so much for sharing this perfectly wonderful pattern:~D

  57. Thank you for sharing this pattern, it was fun to knit and turned out great!

  58. Thank you so much for posting this pattern. I tried it and love how the dishcloth looks. I'm not a great knitter, but I'm going to use this pattern to make myself a scarf. Thanks again~

  59. Hi!

    Do you mind if I translate this pattern to Finnish? Some people in Finnish Knitting (Yahoo) group would like to make this, but prefer instructions in Finnish.

  60. Anonymous4:10 AM

    It was rather interesting for me to read this post. Thank you for it. I like such themes and everything connected to them. I would like to read more on that blog soon.

  61. I love this pattern !I made two yesterday to give as gifts.Thank you so much for sharing it with everyone.

  62. I really love this pattern, it works up into such an attractive dishcloth. I made one for a friend and I've started another for my mom.

    Thank you for sharing it.

  63. Hi, I don't know if its just me, but I think there may be a typo in your pattern- It says CO 38 sts, but Row 3 reads "Row 3: K 3, (P 2, k 1) 10 times, p 2, k 3." - So, 10 seed sts (20 sts) + 3 K sts + 2 P sts + 3 K sts = 28 sts total, right?
    Anyway, its a beautiful pattern and I think I'll start on it right now!

    1. I think what threw you off is the (p2,k1). Since the seed stitch is actually (p1,k1), you would have 10 extra purl stitches, leaving you with a total of 38 stitches. Hope that clears it up for you. :)

    2. you must count stitches, not patterns(seed) which are made up of more than one stitch

  64. I've made many of these, and it's high time I thanked you for posting this pattern. My father-in-law recently asked for more of these (I gave him three as a gift last year). Why? He loves them so much he's afraid someone will steal them. That's how good your pattern is: It creates irrational fears of disappearing dishcloths! :)

  65. Hi Deb,
    Followed a link to you from Ravelry. Knitted up one of these cloths while watching a movie tonight and it turned out GREAT!

    Thanks so much - I am definitely going to be knitting more of these.

  66. I just wanted to say thank you for the waffle knit dishcloth pattern. I love it. It was easy and very attractive. I'm going to make many more to give as hostess gifts. Thanks again!

  67. I wanted to say thank you for the waffle knit dishcloth pattern. I'm addicted to knitting these dishcloths using cotton yarns. I love the way this pattern looks and especially the way it feels. Thanks for sharing.

  68. I realize that this is an old post but, I wanted to thank you for sharing this pattern. The texture of it and the sheer practicality of knitting something so utilitarian pushed me over the edge. I taught myself to knit just so I could make these dish cloths! I have had a blast learning a new skill. Thanks!

    Blessings from the middle of the U.S.

  69. Anonymous5:42 PM

    I just wanted to say thank you for an awesome pattern! I can't seem to stop knitting dishcloths ~ many thanks!

  70. Is this the same pattern that Cathleen in My Sewing Serenity uses?

  71. I am new knitter-only a week old today and I love this pattern. I've already stitched it up once and plan on having another go at it. Thank you for sharing this pattern!

  72. Hi Deb,
    I love the pattern. I nearly finished one and its so nice to see something that I have knitted that actually looks as it should do.

    Would I be able to post a link to your page on my ravelry page. Very new to all this blogging and forum stuff so not sure of the etiquette when using anothers pattern.

    Kind regards


  73. What a beautiful pattern. I love the red in the middle. Thank you for posting it.


  74. These are lovely. Can't wait to try it out! Thanks for sharing!

  75. This is a great pattern. I've made it many times. I love it!

  76. Adorable... How sweet of you to share. Wish I could knit! Alas... that was too tough for me.

    Warm blessings,

  77. I love these dishcloths...I cant get the Lion cotton wool here in New Zealand so plan to modify your pattern a little and use balls of cotton string...should still achieve the desired effect.
    Thank you for the inspiration.

  78. I followed a link from down---to---earth to try your waffle weave pattern as my attempts to crochet a dishcloth have been unsuccessful. The instructions are easy to follow and I'll be making one as soon as I have the cottons (well, trying to!). Thank you for making this free pattern available :). They'll make wonderful, useful Christmas presents!

  79. Thank you for the pattern, it looks gorgeous, and easy.

  80. What a lovely pattern. I found it on Ravelry's popular designs page. Can't wait to try it as I'm new to knitting. Thank you for sharing.

  81. Thank you for this pattern! I'm busy knitting a bunch of wash cloths for my sister-in-law, and found this pattern on Ravelry. It's the perfect mixture of easy to remember, and interesting to knit, and I'm really enjoying it. I'm definitely adding it to my regular knitting repertoire.

  82. I'm glad you like it. Happy Knitting!

  83. Thank you for this pattern! My brother and his wife have just gotten their offer accepted on their first house and I want to make them useful functional things for the home.

  84. You're welcome Jamie!

  85. Thank you for this lovely pattern! I am going to make a gift of these wash clothes using pattern.

    Merrilee in Minnesota!

  86. marilyn johnston12:31 PM

    Thanks from Canada - loved this dishcloth pattern and am going to make more on way to Cottage in May - will make lots for xmas gifts as my girls love them and its an easy pattern to remember. thanks again. Marilyn

  87. Audracurtis1:10 AM

    Found your link through What a lovely little dishcloth!! Now if I can figure out how to change colors, life will be a lot prettier!!

  88. Debbie1:27 AM

    Thanks from Langley, BC, Canada.....Nice pattern to give away!
    Have a great day!

  89. So glad you like it Merrilee, they do make a great gift.

  90. You are very welcome Marilyn! Enjoy.

  91. Thanks Audra! Here's a link that shows a way to change yarn colors: []

  92. You're welcome Debbie--happy knitting!

  93. Roseanne1:34 PM

    I'm going these on my knitting loom or knittingboard. Really nice pattern.

  94. Roseanne, I'm so glad you like it!

  95. I LOVE your pattern and can't stop making them!  Thank You for giving us the pattern :)

  96. Lori, you are welcome. I'm glad you like it!

  97. This1tip4u8:23 PM

    This is my next pattern to use.  I give out dishcloths to the Amish friends I live among as gifts.  Your pattern is perfect.  thanks for making it available.

  98. Peg Botham2:03 PM

    Thank you for your lovely dishcloth patterns, it's the first time I've knitted these since I was in junior school but I'm so enjoying it. LOL

    Peg x

  99. Thank you for this pattern.   I am knitting it tonight. 

  100. Love the looks of this pattern and looking forward to trying it == can you tell me if you think it would make a nice placemat (would need to add a few rows for length, of course!)  I've been looking for a simple, sturdy placemat pattern to knit and haven't found one that appeals to me yet.  Thoughts?

  101. Cheryl_42912:23 PM

    I made a slight adjustment to this lovely pattern .. I slip the last stitch of every row ... and then knit it when your starting the next row .. make a very nice edge.

  102. margie4:59 AM

    Made not only 4 placemats using 2 strands of yarn to go with my 6 dish rags, but a kitchen rug using 3 strands! Turned out fabulous! LOVE this pattern!

  103. Thank you Peg, I'm glad you're enjoying the pattern.


  104. Margie, thanks for your input on using the pattern for placements!


  105. Liz Silva9:03 AM

    I've only been knitting for about a month and love this pattern! Started one yesterday and and almost done :)

  106. LOVE that idea!!!!!  Heading out today to pick up a few skeins of Sugar'n'Cream cotton!  Thatnks for the suggestion!

  107. what size needles did you use for the placements?  Did you increase the size or continue using size 6?

  108. I'm so glad you're enjoying it.happy knitting!


  109. Knit Elation10:04 AM

    (P 2, k 1) 10 times = 30 stitches...

    (just saying...)

  110. Great idea Cheryl, I've tried that edge with other things and it works nicely.

  111. You are very welcome--happy knitting!

  112. You're very welcome--enjoy!

  113. Thanks for this pattern!  It helped me get through two months of bedrest.  :-)

  114. Faythinhim5411:11 AM

    would you mind if I share your pattern on my website..I have used it many times and it is my favorite..I would of course put up a link to your blog..thank you

  115. Leo Belinda12:17 PM

    One suggestion: I didn't see the finished size for this, to give an idea of how big it'll turn out

  116. You're so welcome-hope you're back on your feet :-)


  117. You are welcome to share the pattern, and I do appreciate the link-thanks so much!


  118. About 8 inches square.


  119. Debra6:33 PM

    Just found your pages and this pattern for the waffle weave dishcloth.  I love your style and have subscribed to your feeds.  Thank you for sharing

  120. Thanks Debra, I'm so glad to have you visit!


  121. Penny Cato9:01 AM

    Pretty pattern and simple. Would make a great afghan too if casting on enough stitches and could do different color combination.

  122. Nanababys55:18 PM

    how do i get a copy of the patterns for dishcloths?

  123. On the right hand sidebar of my blog, there are links to both patterns. I will also include them here: l


  124. Mistipebs4:52 AM

    Am really loving knitting these while tv watching in the evenings. They are so nice to use for washing up. Hope to buy some coloured cotton to add stripe at top and bottom. Thank you for instructions and lovely clear picture.

  125. Osteenm3:02 PM

    I've been knitting washcloths to go along with bars of handmade soap for Christmas gifts and this is my favorite pattern! It makes such a pretty pattern. Thanks for sharing!

  126. You are very welcome-so glad you're enjoying the pattern!


  127. I LOVE this pattern.  Thank you for your clear directions and photo. - Karen

  128. Aimee1:12 PM

    I have been wanting to knit these as gifts, but only have size 7 needles and don't want to purchase new size 6s right now.  I am using a  Sugar 'n Cream i need to modify your pattern at all if I use these bigger needles?

  129. Debbie6:49 PM

    Aimee, I think the 7's will work well enough--the fabric will be a little looser and the cloth might be a little larger, but I find once they are washed and tossed in the drier, they snug up nicely.

  130. Sarah Teagarden9:30 AM

    Hello Debbie,
    I don't understand what to do when weaving in the ends? 

  131. Sarah, here's a link to a video tutorial that I hope will help:


  132. Francisca900712:13 AM

    Hello, when i add in my stripe, my colors get my white goes on top of my color so it's not a flush seam like you have? Any tips on how to properly add a stripe? Thanks!

  133. Francisca,

    Here is a video link which I think will be more helpful to you than me trying to explain it: []

    Good luck! ~Debbie


  134. jennifer faulkner5:33 PM

    Thank you for this pattern! I knitted a few today - very nice and will be nice gifts.  I didn't use the stripe and I modified the pattern to make it perfectly square.

  135. Inthebush1826:50 PM

    How did you modify the pattern to be square ? I would love to make a tea towel from this but I am not good at motifing ... :)
              Thanks Colleen

  136. Gail Dugas7:48 PM

    i love knitting dishcloths in between other projects and to try out different stitches.  this one is great... lovely for passing some time in the wintry surroundings of our Ontario forests.  thanks.

  137. Gail, you're so welcome-I'm glad you are enjoying it.


  138. Myrna Johns2:11 PM

    I am eager to get started on these waffle knit dishcloths! Thanks for the inspiration....You are a busy and talented lady.

  139. Thanks Myrna--I hope you enjoy the pattern.

  140. Thank you for the wonderful pattern. I have knitted two dishcloths and they turned out great. Looking forward to trying my hand with the new farmhouse pattern.

    1. Lei, you are welcome--happy dishcloth knitting!...Deb

  141. thanks for this pattern as well! i made a set of four for a friend's son's wedding. ha! i was finishing the last one in the bathroom at the church! they were beautiful!! i did two in white and two in ecru, but without the stripe. need to make some for me now!!

    1. Thanks for the kind note! As a last minute sort of person, I do appreciate the story of knitting the dishcloth in the church bathroom :) ...Deb

  142. Someone sent me the link to your waffle-weave dishcloth. I can hardly wait to make some -- my supply of homemade ones was depleted last Christmas. I give them as gifts -- one size fits all and everyone uses them. I bundle several together and add a bar of fancy soap for a unique, original gift. One friend asked if I was hinting that she needed a bath!

    1. Judi, thank you for the note! I'm glad you like the waffle weave pattern and love your gift idea,

  143. I am a fairly new knitter. I've crocheted for years, and love it, but a knitting friend of mine got me interested in trying to learn to knit again. The first project I tackled was a simple but large shawl, which I love, so I've been looking for smaller projects to fiddle with now. I love knit and crocheted dishcloths, and I came across this pattern on Ravelry. I decided to play with it a bit this evening - I always like to do a practice run before starting on the actual project - and I had to comment to tell you how much I love this pattern. It's easy to work with, has just enough variety from row to row to keep it interesting, and it's a beautiful pattern. I can't decide which side I like best - they're both lovely. :) Thank you so much for sharing this pattern. By the way, I love your blog, and have just finished spending an enjoyable hour reading through some posts, admiring your pictures, and thoroughly enjoying the creativity you share. Thanks again, and I know there are a few people on my list who will very much enjoy some new dishcloths this Christmas. :)

    1. Thanks so much for the kind words--I'm very glad you're enjoying the dishcloth pattern. By sharing it, I've 'met' so many wonderful people! ...Deb

  144. Anonymous1:00 AM

    Great pattern. Makes a nice scarf as well as a dish cloth.

  145. My friend just shared this pattern with me, I can't wait to get started, looks perfect.

  146. My friend just shared this pattern with me, I can't wait to get started, perfect!

  147. Love this pattern - especially in creme and red. I am making two each for each of my boys' teachers for Christmas, which I plan to bundle with some Mrs. Meyers' soap and a gift card. Just what I needed, so thank you for sharing!

  148. I'm always looking for new dishcloth patterns-can't wait to try this one!

  149. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Hi, I have just recently started knitting and after knitting lots of scarves, I have progressed to your dishcloth/ washcloth pattern. It was my first "pattern". I have posted about it on my blog and I have linked to your blog.
    Thanks for sharing.

  150. This is so pretty! I made it and my roommate really loved it for dishwashing! Thanks for sharing the pattern!

  151. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Just completing your Waffle dishcloth, now it’s on to Aunt May’s.
    Thank you for sharing, very much appreciated.

  152. Anonymous1:19 AM

    Thank you for sharing your pattern. I am just learning to knit and shared my use of your pattern on my blog

  153. Great pattern. I am making a bunch for gifts.
    Thanks for posting.

  154. Think it looks lovely but the yarn i used tht ravelry said was a nice substitute was to thin i think, it was to loose and needles to big...

  155. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Love this pattern - I'm 75% finished the pattern and it's coming out a beaut. Thank you for sharing :) will make a lovely present. - Charlie

    1. Charlie, So glad you like the pattern--thanks for your comment...Deb

  156. I just knit this dishcloth for a gift and love how it turned out. I reviewed the pattern on my blog;

    1. Thanks Missy--glad you had good results with the pattern...Deb

  157. Just made one - great pattern, thank you!!!

    1. Susan, thanks for your comment--I'm glad you like the pattern...Deb

  158. Love this pattern and the washcloth turns out so well. I am addicted.

    1. Thanks so much for the comment--glad you're enjoying the pattern...Deb

  159. Found a ball of aran weight yarn in a charity. I'm delighted to have a use for it. I never even knew people knitted their own dishcloths. Splendid idea!

  160. I found a single ball of aran weight cotton yarn in a charity shop but didn't know what to do with it until now. I didn't even know that people knitted their own dishcloths. Splendid idea!

  161. I have been knitting and crocheting for around 30 years off and on, i do it when I take a notion to or want something new to do. Back in 2012 I lost my job and I am now drawing my disability with alot of time on my hands I have started back again so now I am going to need some help. I am having trouble going from a knit stitch to a purl stitch in the same row it doesn't look right. Please give some help.

    1. Perhaps you aren't pulling the purl stitch tight enough. Try that first. There is a terrific tutorial website called KnitPurlHunter. You can find lots of help there.

  162. Thank you for sharing this pattern. I am going to try my best to do it. Will let you know how I get along. Thanks again. Looking forward to more of your patterns. HUGS

  163. I agree, really pretty little pattern but easy to knit up while watching tv. Thank you for writing up this pattern, it takes time to plan it out and make sure it's right when written out. Great job!

  164. I agree, really pretty little pattern but easy to knit up while watching tv. Thank you for writing up this pattern, it takes time to plan it out and make sure it's right when written out. Great job!

  165. Nice pattern. What are dimensions of finished dishcloth?

  166. Thank you for the waffle weave dish cloth pattern - fun and very useful! I would love to make a dishtowel that is about half again bigger in width, but I cannot figure out the count (it might not be possible without doubling the cast on the 56?). When I double it, it is too wide. Is there a multiple formula (e.g., "case on 38 stitches or multiple of 4) you can share? If not, thank you again!

  167. I love this pattern. I adapted this pattern into a hair towel. Cast on 59 sts knit in pattern with size 8 needles with Bernat handcrafters cotton yarn. It made it 18 X 30 inches and great for drying hair after shampooing.

  168. So if not changing colors would it be, repeat rows 1-4 14 times?

  169. Without the stripe in middle would the pattern be repeat rows 1-4 14 times?

    1. Hello Diana,
      Yes, that is correct--you would knit rows 1-4 a total of 14 times....Deb

  170. Thanks for the free this as I can do it now practically without looking.....plan on making many more!.....thanks again from Saskatchewan, Canada.

  171. So happy to find this pattern on Pinterest! Turned out beautiful and so easy to memorize! Thank you!

  172. So, this pattern has a total of 63 rows, correct? (I'm just making sure my math is right!)

  173. Hi Deb, I love this pattern and I so want to try it!! You are very talented! I'm just curious: is the finished product a total of 63 rows?

  174. Thank you for sharing these free patterns. I have been looking for a new dishcloth pattern for a while and I totally love this waffle pattern. Will be making it very soon. Thanks again.

  175. Love these! The only problem is this yarn has been discontinued.

  176. This pattern is beautifully easy and makes a dynamite washcloth in worsted cotton! Thank you


Thank you for taking time to leave a comment--I love reading each and every one! I will try to answer any questions you have in the comment section. Due to the amount of spam, I am sadly no longer able to accept Anonymous comments....Kindly, Deb


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