Monday, March 10, 2008

I'm back...

Yes, I've been away ~ a little longer than expected! Our first vacation in 20 years without the kids. And, not the smoothest trip we've ever taken ~ our early morning flight was 1 1/2 hours late leaving, and thus we missed our connecting out of Philadelphia; we were quickly rebooked and reached Florida by noon.
Four days to visit with family in West Palm Beach and Boca Raton, and to take walks along the beach...
A couple cloudy days could not dampen our spirits. It was sooo warm ~ 80 degrees, mmmmm!

...We did a little window shopping...

...saw the sights...

...had lunch at the marina...

...and relaxed a bit by the pool at my sister's house...

It was hard to leave! Returning home, we landed in North Carolina and found out our flight home was cancelled, and we sure wished we had stayed. Over two feet of snow at home had closed the airports.
After two nights at a hotel and a day spent at Charlotte airport...

...we finally made it home.

It was a nice little break!


  1. Vacations are great! Sometimes it's hard to make the transition back home, especially to all that snow. But home is where the heart is, and it is nice to get back to your own cozy nest. Looks like you had a wonderful time.

  2. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Wow! What a difference! I know you must have enjoyed the special time in a warmer climate and with your sister. The pictures of the snow really shows us what it's like where you are!

  3. Loved seeing all your trip photos and it sounds like you had a good time except for the airline delays.
    What a welcome home...all that snow, so pretty but I know you are wishing for Spring, I hope it comes your way soon. Linda

  4. Oh...i love all your pictures!!! They are just beautiful! Glad you had a nice time except the flight delays! I love the pic of your bag....looks like it is carrying everything to keep you busy for a while! :)

  5. Anonymous7:51 PM

    It is good to have you back! Vacations are wonderful - they certainly recharge your batteries. But unfortunately, when you return...well, we know spring is just around the corner :)

    Maria in PA

  6. WOW that's a lot of snow. It's always nice to go away and wonderful to come home to. I would love to just be floating in that pool with a warm breeze. We've got freezing rain and snow tomorrow. I'm so ready for spring.


  7. Oh lucky you! I witnessed "the storm" in Southern Ontario and would have give anything to enjoy a few days in the sun! Sign me off as counting the days till spring!

  8. Holy Cow, that's a LOT of snow! Glad you could have a little get-away -- even with airport delays! Hope you had some books or handwork or something fun to do while waiting!

  9. Welcome back! It looks like you went to a very warm place, what a difference when you got home...yikes! Hopefully it will all melt quickly.

  10. We just got back from Florida about ten days ago ourselves. You're right, the weather is FANTASTIC down there right now. It's good to know you had a great time, too!


  11. Yes, I have those pictures. Unfortunately I do not have the sunny warm ones at the beginning.
    Do you live near me?

  12. Welcome Home! It looks like you had a wonderful time...Hugs, Mary

  13. Anonymous3:43 PM

    What a wonderful vacation. Thanks so much for sharing the pictures. From warm weather and sandy beaches to snow two feet deep, you really experienced the weather changes.

  14. Good for you!
    Hubs and I took a nice little break alone (without kids) to AZ. While we were gone it was -15* and awful. It is hard to come back to the snow and cold when you've been in the sunshine (or warm rain).

    Happy for you!

  15. What a wonderful getaway, sounds lovely and so relaxing. Happy you took the time without the kids, we need that once in a while.

  16. What great pictures - all of them. And *yikes* that's a lot of snow!

  17. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Deb - thanks so much for that pool pic, I am dreaming of summer and it has become my new desktop pic - it's hard to believe Spring is here when it's still only in the high 20's and 2' of snow still on the ground.

  18. Wow! What a difference! I know you must have enjoyed the special time in a warmer climate and with your sister. The pictures of the snow really shows us what it's like where you are!


Thank you for taking time to leave a comment--I love reading each and every one! I will try to answer any questions you have in the comment section. Due to the amount of spam, I am sadly no longer able to accept Anonymous comments....Kindly, Deb


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