Monday, April 21, 2008

my weekend and a swap

We're still enjoying beautiful warm, sunny weather. All indoor projects have been abandoned in favor of being outside. Flower beds were weeded and mulched, the grass was mowed, steaks & hot dogs were cooked out on the grill, and long bike rides were taken.
A couple weeks ago, I found my amaryllis starting to grow. It had been in the basement, on my potting table, where I leave it over the winter. Somehow, even down there, it knew it was spring and time to bloom. I brought it upstairs, and it now has 3 huge flowers.

Recently I took part in the shopping tote swap over at Rhonda's down-to-earth, and I wanted to show the wonderful tote I received from Melinda of Elements in Time...
...this is going to be so great for carrying groceries, and I am really in need of shopping totes. Melinda's sewing machine was not working, so she stitched this up by hand ~ a real labor of love! Thank you again, Melinda!

This tote was my contribution, made with some fabric I found at JoAnn's...

Thank you all for your visits and comments!!


  1. I need to make some of those.
    Have I said that before???

    I really need to.

  2. I just love the totes!! I love how the Lord made things to know when it was time to grow/bloom or be dorment for the winter..

  3. Love your totes, it's nice that enviromentaly friendly can also be sylish!

  4. I love an amarylliss! I received one and then planted it and it came back the next year.
    The tote is great!

  5. Anonymous7:12 PM

    A lovely denim tote, and to think she stitched it all by hand. At first I thought it was a little denim jumper.

    Both of you did wonderful work on your totes.

    Love the colour of the flower.

    God bless.

  6. Anonymous9:03 PM

    What a beautiful flower!

    I too enjoyed the bag swap. I don't have a digital camera yet; so, I haven't posted mine yet.

    Please drop over to my blog; I've given you an award!

    God bless you!
    Laura of Harvest Lane

  7. do you line your totes? These look so cute. I will be styling at the grocery store

  8. I love visiting your blog. The totes are wonderful. I have been making totes for years and would have enjoyed this swap...

  9. What beautiful totes! i love them!!!! :)

    Your flower is gorgeous!!! WOW! It is sooo tall! :)

  10. Love these totes too. You inspried me to make my own pattern and I have made two now.. I must post one on my blog. I just love that cherry fabric you used on the totes in your store.. I used one of mine yesterday and someone at the store asked me where I got it!! she was amazed I had made it myself! Thanks for the idea.

  11. What beautiful blooms, they are gorgeous! I don't believe I've ever seen any of those before. Thanks for stopping by and I hope your having a wonderful week, blessings to you!

  12. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Your posts are always so motivating. And we had hot dogs the grill just yesterday, too-- fancy, I know =) But weren't they delicious???

  13. I love the totes!
    Isn't it so nice to be outside again?
    The garden centre awaits.

  14. Such a good idea the market totes, and so much prettier than the ucky plastic one I have.

  15. What beautiful totes! I get all itchy when I see awesome fabric - trust me, mama, I'm scratching now, LOL! What a great blog - it's my first, but not my last, visit. :o)

    P.S. When I taught, I had a student named Amaryllis.

  16. Wishing for more sunshine here. I love Amaryllis too! And those totes.....oh my!


  17. Your amaryllis is such a pretty color.The totes are a great idea!!

  18. The totes are lovely and your flower is gorgeous! The perfect spring bloom!

  19. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Really nice pics! take a look in my fashion blog!

  20. Have I said that before???

  21. I really need

  22. Such a good idea the market totes, and so much prettier than the ucky plastic one I have.

  23. What beautiful blooms, they are gorgeous! I don't believe I've ever seen any of those before. Thanks for stopping by and I hope your having a wonderful week, blessings to you!

  24. Love these totes too. You inspried me to make my own pattern and I have made two now.. I must post one on my blog. I just love that cherry fabric you used on the totes in your store.. I used one of mine yesterday and someone at the store asked me where I got it!! she was amazed I had made it myself! Thanks for the idea.

  25. I love visiting your blog. The totes are wonderful. I have been making totes for years and would have enjoyed this swap...

  26. What a beautiful flower!

    I too enjoyed the bag swap. I don't have a digital camera yet; so, I haven't posted mine yet.

    Please drop over to my blog; I've given you an award!

    God bless you!
    Laura of Harvest Lane

  27. Oh great swap !!!! Enjoy the sun for me xoxox Clarice

  28. I just love the totes!! I love how the Lord made things to know when it was time to grow/bloom or be dorment for the winter..


Thank you for taking time to leave a comment--I love reading each and every one! I will try to answer any questions you have in the comment section. Due to the amount of spam, I am sadly no longer able to accept Anonymous comments....Kindly, Deb


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