Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Back from vacation...

We had a wonderful time camping last week, with beautiful weather and only one day of rain. We did some rock climbing, biked, and hiked a lot to make up for eating too much good food. On the 4th we found a spot on the edge of the lake beside some pines to watch the fireworks. It was amazing to hear how the sound echoed off the surrounding mountains. Here's a view from atop the stone tower we visited one day...

A visit to Thunder Rocks was a must, especially for my 16 yr old son who wanted to climb them all. Sadly, I forgot my camera that day...but they are really interesting rock formations and some are quite challenging to climb. I did take my camera when we hiked to the bear caves...

My son ...

another view...

Although we were supposed to stay through Friday, we found out late Thursday night that our son was leaving 24 hours earlier than expected for the Bahamas and our daughter was leaving a day early for her out-of-town equestrian event. We ended up driving home in the middle of the night and doing laundry so my son would be ready to leave at 4:30 AM. After a couple hours sleep, we were up and helping our daughter to pack up for her trip. Saturday and Sunday were spent traveling back and forth so we could see her ride. Below is a picture of her and Sparky doing cross country...

Yesterday and today have been spent trying to catch up on laundry, picking blueberries and loads of zucchini, and pulling weeds which grew amazingly while I was gone.

When I read your comment Lisa, I smiled. You're right ~ vacation's over! I am looking forward to catching up with all of you this week.


  1. Welcome back! Glad you enjoyed your vacation! I have photos of my youngest sons a few years ago..on those rocks. Nice memories..and where did the time go?

  2. Welcome home! I'm glad you had a great vacation..and I'm glad my comment made you smile. :)

  3. Sounds like you had a nice vacation. The pictures are really nice! Welcome back!! :)

  4. Welcome home, we sure missed you! It's sounds like you had a wonderful vacation and made lots of great memories. Thanks for sharing the pics, I love being an "armchair traveler!"

  5. Welcome back :-) Lovely pictures & it seems like you`ve had a nice vacation!

  6. Welcome home!! I enjoyed hearing about your wonderful vacation and the photos are spectacular!

  7. Welcome back, Debbie! I have visit your blog dayly to see if you was back again. I am glad you are! :) it look like a great vacation too.


Thank you for taking time to leave a comment--I love reading each and every one! I will try to answer any questions you have in the comment section. Due to the amount of spam, I am sadly no longer able to accept Anonymous comments....Kindly, Deb


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