Friday, December 07, 2007

no knead Dutch oven bread

Is there such a thing as a 'no knead' bread, that takes hardly any hands-on time, but tastes like delicious artisan bread? I had not come across any, until I read in Mother Earth News magazine about the NY Times article.
The bread is made in a Dutch oven, which I have, so I thought I'd give it a try. It came out delicious!! A rustic flavorful crusty loaf ~ I know, it seems too good to be true...
If you are interested, you can read the Mother Earth News article & recipe here, and there's a video of the making of the bread here.
Happy Baking!


  1. That looks really good!

  2. Anonymous3:10 PM

    This looks delicious! As I don't seem to be getting to my projects, I'm going to try your advice about getting my chores done in the morning and spend the afternoon for the fun stuff! Have a great weekend! ~ Lynda xo

  3. I went directly to the recipe site, printed off the recipe and several of the helpful comments, and then watched the video...incredible! I can't wait to try it. I am thinking this weekend would be good, as we have snow in the forecast and a Christmas tree to chop down! Thanks so much.

  4. Anonymous3:39 PM

    This sounds so interesting to me. My hands hurt after kneading bread dough, this could just be the ticket.

    Thanks, I have bookmarked the site to read at my leisure.

  5. I love no-knead bread- it's the easiest, prettiest bread I've made.

  6. I love this recipe and my family is always impressed!

    I like that I can make it when I have energy in the morning and bake it for dinner.

    My kids like to dip it in olive oil and balsamic vinegar!

    I love your blog BTW!


  7. That looks soo good! Bread and sweets are my weakness. I'll go check the recipe now, thanks!


  8. Hello Deb! I made this bread for the first time a few months ago. I love it. It's time consuming but easy. Your loaf looks divine.

  9. That bread is beautiful. I don't have a Dutch oven, though. I will go and read the article - maybe I'll get my Dutch oven for Christmas!

  10. Wow, I'm a dutch oven huh? I may just have to give it a try. It looks sooo yummy!
    I can almost smell it too.

  11. I've been wanting to make this bread ever since the recipe was in the NY Times -- but alas no Dutch oven! So if Santa would please give me a Dutch oven, I would be ever so grateful.

    Thanks for reminding me about this bread. And thanks for your blog -- such a lovely place to visit.

  12. Mmmm, nothing better then homemade bread this looks yummy...I would love having a slice with some soup. I don't have a Dutch oven but I want to check out the recipe. Linda

  13. I was just looking for bread recipes - this looks delicious!! Thanks! :-)

  14. Here is the "quicker" no-knead bread recipe.

    I have been making the 18 hour version for months and then found this and find it to be a nice alternative.

    Hope you like it!


  15. Your bread looks delicious. Don't know where I've been, but I hadn't read anything about no-knead bread until a few weeks ago. Thanks for the link!

  16. Thank you for sharing this. The bread looks yummy. I'll visit the link and learn how to do it, too.

  17. Looks delicious - I will follow the link and try it. Thanks Deb.

  18. Anonymous11:25 AM

    When my M.E. News came this was the first article I turned to. I marked it as a "should" try. Glad to read a review on it, before I try. Now it is a "must" try.

  19. That looks soooo good, all warmed up and with lots of tea and jam and butter...mmmmm!

  20. Thanks, ladies, for all your comments! And thank you Clarice for the tip about the rye flour, and also thanks Debbie for the link to the quicker version. :)


  21. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Made this bread today with 100% whole wheat flour, good but very dense. Thanks for the link.

  22. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Anyone considering no-knead bread should read the work-over of this recipe in "Cook's Illustrated," Jan-Feb, 2008. Gives a good explanation of how it works, a great tip for getting the dough into the blazing hot dutch oven, and some recipe tweaks (a little lager, a little vinegar).

  23. Anonymous8:12 PM

    This looks great, but after reading the recipe, it seems like it's more bother and time-consuming than making a good kneaded bread. I'll give it a try, though. Thanks for posting it!


Thank you for taking time to leave a comment--I love reading each and every one! I will try to answer any questions you have in the comment section. Due to the amount of spam, I am sadly no longer able to accept Anonymous comments....Kindly, Deb


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