Wednesday, January 02, 2008

my Christmas vacation #1

Happy New Year!!
And thank you everyone for your kind wishes and comments. We had a good Christmas and New Year's here (with my birthday thrown in as well), and I especially enjoyed the week in between. No more rushing around ~ plenty of time to relax and enjoy some day trips, flea market shopping, sewing, knitting, crafting, and winter walks...and of course, the eating of waaaay too many Christmas cookies!

One of my projects for the New Year was to work on my planner. Around the internet, I've seen these wonderful journals and such made from old books and decided to use that idea. An old French lesson book and some binder rings became my new cover. I used some scrapbooking paper I had on hand to line the inside of the covers. Some pages out of an old art calendar became dividers, which I labeled using my P-Touch.

Every year I purchase refill pages, but this year in an effort to be more frugal, I decided to print up my own. I found this site online, where you can print out a variety of calendar and planner pages. Because I didn't think ahead, I failed to print on both sides of a page. So, I stitched every two together on my sewing machine, creating a pocket to stash any pertinent notes or papers. I found some Martha Stewart tabs at Michael's for the months...
Since I just use a monthly planner, it's not too bulky. I also have sections for menus, cleaning routines, address book, notes, to do lists, projects, etc.
So far (well, only two days, I know!), it is working out great. Most of all, I love it because it's unique!


  1. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Hi, I just wanted you to know I've found your blog and am enjoying it very much!

  2. Anonymous4:39 PM

    what a wonderful and beautiful planner. thank you for sharing such a creative treasure.


  3. Gorgeous planner!!!

  4. Happy late birthday, Deb. We used the napkins you sent with our Christmas dinner.

    The planner is excellent. I wish I could simplify my planner but as I use my work one at home too, it's bulky and a pain in the neck. I much prefer yours.

    All the best for the new year.

  5. Happy Belated Birthday to you and a Happy New Year also. I love that planner it's beautiful and an original. Mine is store bought and not very exciting, LOL. Maybe I could work on something like that for next year.

    Hugs - Karen

  6. I love your creativity...the planner is outstanding!

  7. Your planner is terrific. And remember, there are no mistakes, I might just use the idea of pages stitched together to create pockets. What a great idea. Happy belated birthday. Just celebrated mine also, on the 27th. And now I can collect social security. Yippie. If I'm gonna be old, I should at least be rewarded. Happy new year Deb.

  8. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Hi Deb

    Always a joy to visit you. Love the planner idea. I turned 60 on New Year's Eve. A few years yet before the pension.

    Suzi from Australia

  9. Oh Deb You are always one-upping yourself. Great idea! I really love the seamed pocket pouches, I feel they wull really come in handy.

    Happy 2008!
    And Happy Birthday!

  10. Anonymous7:26 PM

    That planner is just entirely too cute! I might just have to scan the old books on my shelves for a cover!

    Thanks for sharing!


  11. What a lovely and clever planner!

  12. I love the antique-y journal, and you have decorated it wonderfully inside.

  13. Anonymous8:34 PM

    ooh, I love your planner! You're so creative!


  14. Anonymous9:17 PM

    That is just remarkable... Very very pretty...

  15. Clever - clever - clever! Funny how mistakes can birth great ideas (like pockets for each month!). May this New Year fill your calendar with events that are a blessing to you - and Happy Birthday! :o)

  16. Anonymous10:09 PM

    I LOVE YOUR IDEA!!! It is absolutely beautiful and so original. I'm going to make one as I strive to become organized!! Thanks for all of your ideas! Happy New Year!


  17. What a great idea! I've been putting together my own planner, too, but nothing near as lovely. I may have to update it already. Thanks for the hints!

  18. How neat! I love the idea to use old book covers, and I've always used pages printed from the internet for the little organizing I manage to do! ;)

  19. Your unique planner is so very cute and functional! Being a "library person" I get queasy when it comes to altered to get over that!

  20. Beautiful idea!

    Wishing you many more days of beauty and creativity in your new year ahead...

  21. That is a neat idea--tell me how it works out. I always use a spiral index things to take notes and jot plans for the day. Tell me how yours works at time goes on!

  22. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Ooh that's a lovely planner! So pretty!

    I have fallen in love with yoru blog and added it to my favorites list!

    Happy New Year!

  23. It is really cute!!! I love it! I couldn't live without my planner...but mine is none too fancy LOL :)

  24. Love this - I especially love the "pocket Page" idea. Fortunately, in my line of work - I don't have to purchase a new one - I get a free one from the vendors. But I am going to try and incorporate some of your ideas .


  25. Anonymous11:49 AM

    That is GORGEOUS! The most beautiful & original planner that I've ever seen!

  26. Anonymous11:57 AM

    How did you manage to punch holes in that book cover? I'd love to know what tool you used. So cute!

  27. I love your book Deb. Did you create the sillohette? I love it too. I've been playing around with those, and have noticed that there's an interest in them again.
    This is a beautiful project.

    Happy belated birthday, and a very happy new year too!

  28. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Wow! What a good Idea. I wish I hadn't already bought a planner!
    I recently discovered your blog and have been so inspired. Thankyou!


  29. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Unique, and uniquely yours! And beautiful? Oh, my word, your planner is beautiful!!!

  30. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Ooops, and Happy Birthday, too!

  31. Such a great project! I love the old cover and the pages inside that make pockets...what serendipity! I am sure you will enjoy it all year:>)

  32. well that is just beautiful, and you can use it over and over again. I love your idea, and the over all book is just wonderful!

  33. Very beautiful and practical. It makes my black faux-leather daytimer look quite boring. You've inspired me to get creative! Thanks.
    - Suzanne

  34. Anonymous6:50 PM

    WOW ~ talk about original and wonderful. You have great creativity :)

  35. This is a fabulous idea and I am so impressed with it. You mentioned how you forgot to print on both sides of the paper and ended up sewing them together to make a pocket. I think that is an extra special helpful detail which worked out great.

  36. This is a fantastic idea Deb! The French lesson book is a gorgeous cover & I love the idea of having pockets to keep extra papers and notes in.
    Happy (belated) Birthday too!

  37. Oh I love your blog and this post about your planner was so fun for me. I am so inspired when I see other people's planners!

    I use one too but not half as creative as yours.

    Do you know of a blog or website devoted to the use of planners other than DIYplanner?

    I would love to find other planner afficiandos!



  38. I really adore your planner. You are so creative! I wish that I had your creativity. When I need inspiration or good ideas -- I stop by your blog for a visit.

  39. Love the planner!
    I just made my second knitted washcloth using your pattern. I learned to knit just to make it! First one was not so good...second one is perfect! Thanks for sharing the pattern and inspiring me to learn to knit!

  40. Wow, for once a *truly* personalized day planner! Terrific idea, and thanks for sharing- I might have to try your idea out soon! Happy New Year!

  41. VERY cool! I love it!

  42. Anonymous11:59 PM

    Great idea! Love that it is frugal & pretty to boot.


  43. Your planner is fabulous! You are so creative and come up with the best ideas.

  44. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Love it!! I too would like to know how you got the cleanly cut holes in the book cover. Please do tell!
    Thank you in advance.

  45. I love your planner. I have seen the website that you used to print your sheets. I printed my own planner but used the Outlook calendar from my email program. It is working well. And I printed on one side, so I may borrow your idea and stitch the sides up on my sewing machine.

    I also wanted to say I love reading about your creative ideas. Thanks for sharing

  46. Anonymous9:30 AM

    very nice!! I need to work on my homekeeping journal/planner thing.
    I couldn't get the diyplanner site to come up.
    Patty H.

  47. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Love it!!

  48. I do so enjoy the week between Christmas and New Years. The phone doesn't ring much and there is an air of tranquility about it. I love your planner ideas. That was very resourceful of you to stitch the pages together and make a pocket!

  49. I'm in awe! What a wonderful planner you've made. I agree with you that having something totally unique is one of the pleasures of crafting.

    All the best for the new year!

  50. Oh my, that's adorable! Thanks for sharing, it's an inspiration to become much more orgnanized...and creative!

  51. Your planner is gorgeous, Deb! What a creative idea. :)

  52. That is awesome!

  53. Happiest belated birthday wishes Deb. I celebrated mine on the 26th. Love, love, love your planner. Happy 2008.

  54. Anonymous11:10 PM

    I thought something like this would be my next project but I need to get handmade birthday invites for my Mom's 70th.

    The cozy and mat arrived. Lovely! I absolutely love it!!!


  55. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Visiting your blog is a joy! When exiting I feel as if I enjoyed time with a friend - a creative friend.

    I'd like to feature you and your blog on my blog, especially highlighting the calendar you created from an old book. Ingenious. Would that be all right with you? If so, could you please email me at:

    lulashardt at g mail dot com

    Blessings to you this day ...

  56. Oh, my...I think you have acheived planner Nirvana!

  57. So happy, I found your blog (at MAri Eriksson's list). Have to come back for more - just wanted to leave a short note. This panner is absolutely *WOW!* Great idea and beautiful work! I always try to customize mine, but yours will become my idol for the next one ;-)

  58. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Your planner is absolutely beatiful. I know that we are into April now but I guess that it can be started at anytime if it is handmade - I feel totally inspired to make one. Thank you.


  59. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Did you leave the spine on? What did you cut the book apart with? Also what did you punch the book with? I really want to make a book like yours. Love it! Thanks!

  60. Oh my! After recently writing the last page of my diary, I've been planning on meandering to the local bookshop in search of some clever journal; thanks to your blog though I'm going to branch out and make my own! I've added you to my blogroll since you're so amazingly creative, and I know I'll be checking on you regularly. I'm not a creative, crafting person myself, so when I find someone like you, it's such a special treat!

  61. Love the journal..perfect

  62. Karen6:30 PM

    How have a great imagination and we can tell it is always 'in gear':-)

  63. I love this post! I remembered it when I needed a notebook here in Japan. I linked to it in my post. Thanks!


Thank you for taking time to leave a comment--I love reading each and every one! I will try to answer any questions you have in the comment section. Due to the amount of spam, I am sadly no longer able to accept Anonymous comments....Kindly, Deb


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