Thursday, May 22, 2008

close to my heart...

It was almost eight years ago that my daughter decided she wanted to learn at home. Homeschooling was something to which I had given much thought, since even before she started kindergarten; I had read lots of books and knew a couple families who had done it...but I never had the courage to take the leap. After all, she had done very well at the elementary school and had made some wonderful friendships...I wasn't totally sure that taking her away from all that was for the best ~ I mean, could I really teach her all she would need to know? ~could I really teach physics, chemistry, composition, geometry, etc. at a high school level? ~would she ever get into college? Since she was eager, I knew it was worth a try; and, I was not fond of the thought of sending her to the high school for 7th grade.
I spent many sleepless nights in those early days agonizing over the decision. So, you can imagine how happy I was for her last night at her college graduation, where she received her degree with highest honors and, possessing the highest grade point average, was chosen to give the Student Address.
It turns out I needn't have worried all those nights--she really taught herself...all I had to do was provide the means and a little bit of nagging.


  1. From a fellow homeschooler (retired), congratulations to your daughter, and to you!

    PS-I'm loving your dischcloth pattern this week. I'm nearly through with my second one, and the cream and red combination is so pretty together! :-)

  2. Wow!! That is so wonderful, and very encouraging to the of us still slogging away.

  3. Congratulations to both of you! I understand the mixed thoughts about homeschooling. I did it with my daughter for the 2nd half of high school. She learned well and went on for education to do something she loves very much. Now she hopes to go back to school when her youngest starts school in a year. On to the next step of her plans. Obviously you accomplished the task at hand. You were successful. Both of you! ~Adrienne~

  4. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Congratulations to your daughter (and to you)!


  5. Congratulations to your daughter but especially to you, you must have done a fabulous job of teaching her:) Rachael

  6. Congratulations Deb! What a wonderful testimony:-)

  7. Congratulation to both of you. What an accomplishment. You did a great job!

    - Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife

  8. A proud accomplishment for you both! I homeschooled my two daughters for 5 years. The whole time I worried. Was I doing the right thing? Was I giving them what they needed? They both returned to public school for high school and both graduated with honors. Their teachers praised them every step of the way. Clearly, homeschooling works. Even when we feel inadequate. You are right, the kids teach themselves with the proper guidance, and the thing they learn best is how to find answers and think on their own. Hooray for you both!

  9. Congratulations to you both!
    You must have felt a little like you were graduating, too.

  10. Congratulations to you all, and best wishes to the lovely graduate on a wonderful accomplishment!

  11. Congrats to her! And to you, too!
    God bless :)

  12. congratulations! this is just the post i needed to read today. my son starts kindergarten this fall and i am going to homeschool him. i am so nervous about it and constantly question my decision. i know it will be great, i just worry about my abilities.

  13. What an inspiration to mom's just starting their homeschooling. Congratulations to you and your daughter!

    hugs, Linda

  14. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Congratulations to both you and your daughter. What a wonderful achievement for the two of you.

    God bless.

  15. Oh what a Blessing! Congratulations! What an encouragement to me as well. We have a son in college right now and I am homeschooling our youngest who is 14.

    Thank you!:)

  16. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Congratulations and what an encouraging story.

    I wanted nothing to do with homeschooling until about 6 months after I started. Now I can't imagine anything else, but I still get nervous about high school. It is exciting to see the fruits of the labors, after all the nail biting!

  17. Anonymous1:57 AM

    I love hearing about your daughter's success with homeschooling! Congratulations on her graduation from colloge with the highest honors! You must be soooo proud! I have given homeschooling a great deal of consideration as well. I have unfortunatly come to the conclusion that there is too little network to do it in Norway and that I can't face it alone... So far my son is fairly happy at school (2nd grade) but if he should feel the way your daughter did later I would be then happy to oblidge him with homeschooling. Really well done!

  18. Congrats!! I think homeschooling is really worth it! She has much to look forward to in the future.

  19. Congratulations to you & your daughter! You were a wonderful teacher with a wonderful student :-} Wishing your daughter all the very best with her new degree.
    Have a great weekend Deb.

  20. Congratulations many times over :)

  21. Anonymous10:50 AM

    'Well done' to you and your daughter! Your comments are very encouraging as I am in the sometimes-worried-at- night stage.

  22. What a joyful payoff! Job well done to you both, I admire your leap of faith.

  23. What a wonderful and joyous time. Congratulations to you both, on such an accomplishment. You made the right choice.....happy days to you both. Linda

  24. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Congratulations! Wow...

  25. Congratulations to both of you! I home schooled my children in the younger grades, then they went to public school for high school. I know it took a little more than nagging. You both have much to be proud of.

  26. Deb,
    You must be so proud of your daughter! And as a homeschool mom, I salute you and give you a big pat on the back and a hug too! God's grace and goodness is sufficient, isn't it?


  27. You have so many reasons to be proud... congrats!!!! Beauty faids, money comes and goes... but an education nevers leaves...

  28. Congrats to both your daughter and to your family - you've done a wonderful job.


  29. Oh, wonderful! Congratulations to your dear daughter and congratulations to you, too. You must have such a feeling of accomplishment. It is very encouraging to read your post on homeschooling. We, too, are trying to avoid the 7th grade in high school scenario.

    Best wishes!

  30. OH how and she did a great job! I would be beaming from ear to ear..I love the dishcloth pattern too!!!

  31. Congratulations Deb ~ to you and your daughter! :o)

  32. I'm so encouraged!!! Thank you from this home schooling mother of six who has had more than a few sleepless nights with and without tears!!!!

    Congratulations to your daughter and to you!

  33. Just stopping by to say hi..hope you had a great Memorial Day! Hugs, Linda

  34. Congratulation to both of you! You have done a fantastic job Deb!! I feel humble reading this story and Inspirated as well.
    Hugs from Norway!


  35. I know you are so proud!!!! Apparently you did something right!! I've always wanted to home school - but alas, have to work and I know some Moms can still do it - I just didn't feel like I could give it my all.
    Congratulations to BOTH of you for a job very well done!!

  36. I would be so proud too. I have really enjoyed my visit with you and I will be back.

  37. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Good job, both mom & daughter!

    You were braver than I would have been, and such good result.

    Congratulations to you both.

  38. what a wonderful day for both of you. Congratulations to a great teacher and student.

    Deb, I LOVE your chickens. Please feed my obsession with many photos.

    I send my love across them miles.


Thank you for taking time to leave a comment--I love reading each and every one! I will try to answer any questions you have in the comment section. Due to the amount of spam, I am sadly no longer able to accept Anonymous comments....Kindly, Deb


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