Thursday, October 16, 2008

dried tomatoes in olive oil...

The garden here is done for the year, but I found some nice tomatoes cheap at the produce store recently. I decided to dry them in my food dehydrator {a Nesco American Harvest)...

According to the user/recipe guide that came with it, the Dried Tomatoes in Olive Oil "taste better than the expensive 'sun-dried' ones at the supermarket"...I had to try it.

Here's what I did:

After the tomato slices are dehydrated, dip the slices in white wine vinegar, shake off excess, and place them in a pint jar. Then, cover them with extra light olive oil. These need to set 1 month before using, and can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 6 months.

Mid-November I will let you know how they are.



  1. Those look great, did you dry them til they were leathery or crispy?

  2. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Well that seems pretty easy! Can't wait to find out how they are - they too pretty to eat!


  3. they look delicious! I love your counter tops!

    I'll be back in November to see how they were.


  4. Love this idea, thanks! We are getting a dehydrator for Christmas, so I will be trying this!!

  5. Anonymous2:07 PM

    thats amazing story.

  6. They look amazing! Dried tomatoes in olive oil - yum :-)

  7. These look so yummy I use a lot of sun-dried tomatoes but the cost does always get to me.My Aunty said she has a dehydrator we can borrow any more tips/posts would be good!

  8. I can harldy wait to hear the results!

  9. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Wow Deb! Those look wonderful. I can't wait to hear how they are :)

  10. Sounds, and looks, awesome. I've always wanted to try dehydrating. My sis in law makes the best beef jerky.

    Debbie in Florida

  11. Anonymous7:24 PM

    YUM! They look great. I've never dehydrated anything, but I've always wanted to try. Can't wait to hear how they turn out!

  12. The tomatoes look absolutely fabulous! I'm sure they will taste every bit as good as they looK!

  13. Looking forward to hearing how they turn out. They look pretty!


  14. Well they sure look delish. Please let us know how they turned out. Gee, I think I have a food dehydrator somewhere. I should dig it out and maybe try this.



  15. Anonymous2:05 AM

    Those sure do look yummy! I can't wait to hear how they taste.

  16. looks yummy! I wish I still had my Dehydrator.

  17. Those look absolutely divine! I hope they are as yummy as they look.

  18. Anonymous7:51 PM

    I've done something similar by drying them in the oven on low heat tossed with olive oil and spices, then storing them in small portions in the freezer in zip baggies -- to use, I reconstitute in hot water - they are far superior to store sun dried tomatoes, and much cheaper!

  19. I can't wait to see how they turn out, remember to do a show and tell on it

  20. They look delicious! How long did they have to dry? I may do this next week.

  21. Yum, that is something I have never tried. I have a great roasting recipe that I use though ...

  22. That sounds de`lish! I can't wait to try them.

  23. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Oh my goodness! Just read about your pizzas and had to find out how you made the tomatoes! I just got a dehydrator for Christmas and I can't wait to try this! Thanks for sharing!

  24. I know this is an older post, but it happened to catch my eye as I was browsing your blog.  Did the recipe ever work out?  Just wondering because it sounds like a good thing to do for the coming winter.

  25. They came out just wonderfully-they have a great intense flavor! I can't wait to make some more this summer; one of my favorite ways to use them is on pizza instead of sauce.



Thank you for taking time to leave a comment--I love reading each and every one! I will try to answer any questions you have in the comment section. Due to the amount of spam, I am sadly no longer able to accept Anonymous comments....Kindly, Deb


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