That hasn't stopped the busy bees from enthusiatically doing their work...

The chickens were very grateful for some fresh, cold water. Especially the meat birds who have quickly become very pleasingly plump. Another week or two and they shall be crated up and sent off to {avoiding the "B" word} 'be made ready for the freezer'.
The new chicks--teenagers now--have made themselves at home with the adult layers. Everyone seems to get alone very well, provided the teens remember their place. 
And, remember this little peep?...

... he or she {?} is sporting quite the mohawk-sort of hairdo...
The horses are well despite a couple recent episodes of colic--always during the night, of course. At those times I'm thankful I'm not the primary 'horse person' and can head back to bed {especially when this happens in the dead of winter}, though usually I don't sleep till the crisis is past and all is well.
The chickens were very grateful for some fresh, cold water. Especially the meat birds who have quickly become very pleasingly plump. Another week or two and they shall be crated up and sent off to {avoiding the "B" word} 'be made ready for the freezer'.
Rule #1::the Adults have first dibs on Everything ~ food, water, bugs, worms, etc.
Rule #2::All teens respectfully step aside whenever an adult comes close or they are quickly admonished with a peck.
... he or she {?} is sporting quite the mohawk-sort of hairdo...
That little chick just cracked me on the first post - but he is definitely a teen bird with style now!
ReplyDeleteHow do you know when the horses get colic in the night? Do you sleep with a monitor? I also did not know that there were Alpha Chickens.
Did you finish your painting inside? I also loved that blue basket you blogged about last! I told my husband that someday I'd like to have enough baskets to hold all my possessions - or - few enough possessions to be contained in all my baskets.
Thanks for a slice of farm life!
--Vicki K.
I am so happy for a little weather that feels like summer finally.
ReplyDeleteThat chick is adorable!
Vicki K.~
ReplyDeleteWhen one of our horses colic they do a lot of kicking, generally hitting the stall walls in the process. Luckily, this has always woken us up, as our bedroom faces the barn.
As for the painting, sadly we are still not done with the flooring. I knew, being summer, this indoor project would move slowly! Hope to post some of the progress soon,
Sounds like your settling in for the weekend. I'm the primary horse emergency person, and I can understand the late nights and long hours. I never had to deal with snow though.
ReplyDeleteChickens are great, sounds as if yours are keeping you in smiles. Have a great weekend
Your teens are adorable! I enjoy your posts so much Deb :) Thanks for a glimpse into your farm life. Now it's time for you to cool off after a days work in the heat.
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful weekend!
Thank your for sharing your life with us Deb! I have been reading your blog for some time now, and get so much enjoyment out of it. Please keep it up!
ReplyDeleteJessica L.
I remember the days of chicks and hens... I miss them. :) It was fun growing up raising them...
ReplyDeleteI love the black and white chicken in the first photo, what kind is it?
ReplyDeleteDeb...your farm life sounds idyllic and right up my alley. Unfortunately for me, I'm still a city girl. Maybe someday...hope you have a nice weekend.
I love hearing about you farm life. We moved from 3 1/2 acres and I really do miss it. We now have 1 acre and I'm hoping to have a few chickens next year.
ReplyDeleteI am enjoying living farm life through your blog. I have always thought it would be a perfect way of life. I know there is much hard work, but the benefits seem so wonderful.
ReplyDeleteI had to smile about your temps being in the 80's. We have had twenty days of triple digit heat. It has really become oppressive. I think about the farmers and ranchers in our area and wonder how much longer they can survive this terrible drought.
We just keep praying for rain!
What a full life you must lead!
ReplyDeleteThe peep sure has grown. They look good. So do the horses.
ReplyDeleteLovely to see the animals, I hope you have a nice weekend too!
ReplyDeleteDeb, isn't it wonderful to see every living creature growing up! That little fellow grew up to be a handsome young bird.
ReplyDeleteGod bless.
Okay, this is fueling my chicken wish...hope to have a flock myself this time next year. I am "horseless" now (as of a month ago) for the first time in 20-something years. I remember those colic episodes well, but they should not happen frequently. What gives? Thanks for sharing, I so enjoyed. C
ReplyDeleteI just discovered your blog and I LOVE it! What a lovely life you live. I am off now to read the archives. I will definitely be checking back all the time.
Thank you.
You know, I think human teens need to adhere to the rules that chicken teens follow, especially the part about getting out of the adults' way when food is around.