Tuesday, January 05, 2010

a little 'late' giveaway

Usually a day late and a dollar short, I am!
But here is my little giveaway, better late than never I hope...
If you are interested in winning a calendar, please leave a comment.
And, if you would like to also mention what is on your 2010 creative-projects-to-do list, I would love to know.

The calendar {monthly} is small--about 5 inches square and comes with a little magnetic clip to hang it.

I promise to throw in something else--maybe a zippered pouch...

I will pick one winner Thursday morning, 1/7/10.

Best wishes!


  1. I would love to win your calendar! I am hoping to make home decor gifts throughout the year to bring joy to others (and give me the the joy of creating things as well). Happy New Year to you! dsb448@att.net

  2. We have a family calendar but this small one would be perfect for my personal one. Thanks for a chance to enter your fun give-away.

    As for 2010. Hmmm, I am still looking for that "new idea" to sew or make.

  3. Great giveaway! I hope to learn how to knit socks!

  4. Your calendar looks lovely from the photos! Mmm... I plan to make some baby bibs, burp cloths, some pin cushions, and finish an apron. Oh, and teach my girls to knit. Wish you were closer and could teach them for me! I'm afraid I'm not very good at it yet!

  5. Lovely pics! I am busy knitting thick socks at the moment - in an attempt to keep my feet warm in the winter chills. And having done my first shawl I would like to do more. And more of your lovely dischcloths, too - they have been a great success so far!

    Pomona x

  6. I will master soap-making. I WILL! Can you hear me stamping my foot as I say that?
    Lovely calendar, I really hope I win. Thanks!!!

  7. Debbie thank you so much for the seeds, they arrived today! Such a beautiful card, I have it displayed, and even the seed packet was so pretty...I will post photos in the summer of our Lumina pumpkins...(hopefully they do well)
    Thanks and hugs

  8. That is too cute! I hope I can knit lots of dishcloths in 2010!

  9. Thank you for this giveaway! I hope to make more jewelry and get my little business off the ground :) Hope you had a happy new year!

    Lindsay Lee

  10. Gorgeous calendar Deb. I am just about to start knitted a vintage (1940) short sleeved sweater. it's part of a Knit a Long so hopefully that will keep me going to get in finished in three months.
    Happy New Year.

  11. OH! Pick me! Pick me!! :) That would be the perfect size!

    I hope to do more crocheting and alot more punch needle for sale. Got to get my store stocked up. :)

    Hope you have a blessed year!

  12. I'm thinking of moving to wordpress with my blog and crafty shop, doing more craft markets and basically try to be more creative every day.

  13. What a lovely calendar! I have resolved to learn to knit something that is not square or rectangular - maybe something using double pointed needles, or (gasp!) cabled! I'd also like to sew more!

  14. What a lovely calendar! This next year I am hoping to finish my first pair of knitted socks, make a felted chicken and baby chicks for my daughter's birthday, knit a rag rug, finish a bunch of half-sewn projects, make potholders out of old felted sweaters, and finally I have fantasies about learning to cable and a really big fantasy about a sweater or cardigan for me. Whew! Better get started!!

  15. Oh, my head is just full to bursting with all kinds of projects I'm trying to figure out!

  16. Your calendar is very nice!! I would love to win it. I am in the middle of renovating a 165 year old home. Will take up most of my year, but also doing some stitching for relaxaton!

  17. I love reading your blog and hearing about your country life. I am transplanted from a rural area and your observations always remind me of home. Would love to have a copy of the calendar as all your items are fantastic. I have made a bundle of your dishcloths and your pattern is my favorite. This year I am dedicated to starting all those homemade Christmas gifts before Thanksgiving...I didn't get everything done this year!

  18. I am a new reader, and this is a kind welcome :) Thanks for the chance to win something so lovely!

  19. I love the calendar! The images are beautiful. As far as my crafting goals, lots of knitting and crocheting, and sewing. I'm getting ready to make slipcovers for my living room furniture and sewing up lots of pillows.

  20. sounds wonderful...please count me in. This year I hope to get better at sewing and quilting!

  21. A calendar...what a wonderful way to enjoy your pretty pics throughout the year. I have a nice list for projects this year: I'd like to finish the sampeler, Marriage of Minds by The Drawn Thread, make some Blackbird Design ornaments and knit myself a nice warm shawl to cuddle up in.

  22. I would love to win a calendar! Is it open worldwide? I have heaps of creative things planned for 2010. One of which is to learn to crochet more than just a granny square. But my first project for the year is an inspiration board for my craft room, off to do that now!


  23. Such pretty photos, Deb! Please enter me in the giveaway. :)

    Creative projects I have planned are lots of cross-stitching and embroidery projects, drawing, crochet perhaps, and whatever strikes my fancy...

  24. Oh thanks for making me write down my creative goal. I will make one train car model for my railroad. It has been almost a year since I finished my last one at this rate it will take me forever to get the ten cars I want built.

  25. Beautiful calendar, I hope to get motivated to make the rag rug I have been putting off.

  26. Thanks for offering a free and lovely calendar! I would like that for my desk very much. My creative to-do list includes: knitting washcloths, finding something to do with several pairs of outgrown jeans, and in general recycling a lot of "fabric stuff" I have around the house.

  27. Would love to win! The calendar looks lovely and I would love to look at it daily. Thank you. Mona

  28. What a lovely little calendar!! Neat pictures to tuck into my crafting area to inspire me ;~)
    Lets see, my daughters have asked me to sew them some pillows, curtains and some "puffy letters" of thier name to hang on the wall...want to relearn to knit and want to do some painting as well.

  29. I would love to win that! Thanks!!

    Hmmm....have not decided on any projects yet.

  30. Great calendar. Count me in. I'm in need of a personal one to keep track of my knitting.
    I'd like to incorporate crochet into my knitting. I've watched some how to video's on YouTube and I'm almost ready to give it a go.


  31. I would love to win! I have been making your dishcloths too,they are my favorite!

  32. Your blog is so lovely and your knit dishcloth pattern is one of my favorite things to make. This coming year I hope to get back to quilt making. Your little calendar is darling and I would love to win it!

  33. I love your blog, please enter me...I hope to get back into quilting this year, time allowing of course...

  34. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Lovely gesture! I would love a calendar like this. My to do list includes finishing WIP's and I would like to get into sewing more, as well as making "early" Christmas gifts for 2010.

  35. I would love to win a calendar but not as much as I love your blog! I have many projects on the burners because grandchild #10 will be born in a couple of months. I look to your blog for inspiration :-)

  36. Thank you for offering the cute calendar for your giveaway. I am hoping to take a knitting class to "relearn" knitting this year :-) And maybe get past knit and purl!


  37. Cute calendar. I have joined kleio (over at kleiosbelly) for a goal of knocking out 1 UFO (unfinished object) a month. I'm already working toward January, just hoping I can sustain my enthusiasm. Hubby is out of work so it gives me time to focus on my stash of yarn and fabric, and paper instead of buying something new.

  38. Deb, I think your calendar would be a perfect gift on its own.

    One major creative project I have on my calendar will happen this spring. I want to make a mosaic table to put my plants on.

    God bless.

  39. This is a beautiful calendar and I would love to win it. I'm also a little late...I have no calendar for my office yet. :)

  40. Very nice calendar pictures...count me in for whatever you send! I have many quilting projects for this year...finishing 3 quilt tops, starting 3 baby quilts, and beginning a siggy swap and a BOM!

  41. I would love the calendar! My daughter usually makes me one at school but this year she didn't. I plan to finish the sweater I started last year. Love your blog, it is such an inspiration!

  42. Cute! I would love to win!

    On today's post I have listed the quilts I "need" to make...but probably not all this year!

    I also want to learn to knit for real, play the boran, and make candles. Such are my crafty desires!

    Happy New Year!

  43. Oh heavens I need one. I carry one but I really need one by the phone. You might even inspire me to get crafty. :)

  44. Please enter me in your drawing for your beautiful calendar give away...I love the monthly pictures. As for projects for 2010I have put together a tub of projects that include a WIP I'd like to finish this year, a class project I took this past year, stitching smalls, some samplers and the JCS Xmas mags to stitch at least 2 ornaments a month for gifts/and our tree...Happy New Year to you and yours...and thank you for the chance to win your give away.

  45. How cute is that calendar?! Very sweet of you to offer this as a giveaway.
    I learned to knit the waffle dishcloth from your instructions, so I'm going to move up to something harder this year. I'm impressed by your talent in knitting sweaters!

  46. Would LOVE to win this... I hope to learn to knit more than a dishcloth this year. :)

  47. I love your calendar. I've been looking for something just like it to hang at work...something to bring my creative joy into the workplace. Thanks so much for sharing with us!

  48. I'd be so thrilled to win! Love coming here for visits to see what you're up to and get encouragement for tending my own nest.

  49. I LOVE your calendar! I am hoping to complete a needlepoint of antique cherries. I also want to make some silhouettes. V.

  50. I would love to win the calendar. I'm working on knitting an afghan for my husband. I'm also want to give my hand a try at learning to knit socks.

  51. Deb, you calendar is so pretty! Please enter me in the drawing. As for my creativity plans for 2010, finish the quilt I started last fall, finish my first pair of toe up knitted socks that I started a few weeks ago. Then more knitting and sewing. I want to have a Christmas basket filled with homemade gifts for all of my 11 granchildren, 6 children, daughter and sons-in-laws, and other family members. Blessings from Kansas! Gail

  52. A little calendar is just what I need by my computer! and yours is so lovely.~ My #1 goal with projects this year is not to procrastinate! I create my own stress, by waiting till the last minute. Hope to make about 3 levi quilts for my kids for Christmas.~ In between, aprons and bonnets will be sewn.

  53. Just what I need to get organized. I have lots of things on my to do lists.

  54. Hi! I'm new to your blog and to the domestic side of life. I grew up in a very crafty home but being recently married am finding out what it means to make a space your own. I would love to win your calendar to help me document our first year of marriage! This year I've started embroidering tea towels with some of my Grandma's old patterns and hope to have quite a few done by the end of the year!

  55. I would love to win your calendar! I plan on making some jewelry, learning to make cheese and my daughter and I are going to make her a zebra striped bed spread and curtains and I am going to paint her white ceiling fan blades with black zebra stripes. I have a lot more on my list. Happy New year to you! God Bless

  56. I would also love to win your calendar. What I want to get finished in 2010 is, finish spinning all my sheep fleece and make a jumper for my knit neglected hubbie. I would also like to do some more cross stitch and get into my bead work. Oh and of course knit some more socks.

  57. most time a quiet reader of your blog, i now have to comment: I would also love to win the calendar!
    I plan to make the pullover my husband has asked me when i got my spinning wheel last year: white merino wool, knit two, purl two...
    happy new year to you from stefanies garden.

  58. I have got so many things on my list this year - finish some socks, finish a granny square blanket, make bath salts, attempt soap, bags...I could go on :-)

    Loving the pictures in the calendar and loving your blog. xx

  59. Always fun to see a post from you. I hope to finish up some quilt projects before starting new ones this year. Same resolution every year - one of these days I'll get it done.

  60. I would so love to win your calendar! My list of projects for 2010 is huge as always but the main project is a quilt I want to make for my son's bed using my husband's old shirts.
    I wish you a wonderful year!
    paula_lemos at vodafone dot pt

  61. Deb,
    I am so excited to enter your give away. I stumbled across your site this year and have been a faithful reader since.Your beautiful clothespin bags inspired me to get into crafting again.
    *On Thursday I will be taking a knitting class. I'm so excited!
    *I'm planning on doing more crochet gifts this year for friends and family.
    * I will start a quilted table runner with instruction from my Sister.
    * Make some more napkins
    and whatever else pops into my head.:)
    Thanks for introducing me to Rhonda's site, too. It's been a real lifesaver!!

  62. I've just recently discovered your blog and I'm loving it. My plans for this year include finishing the current sweater, knitting a shawl, sewing cup cozies, and decorating my house on a shoestring!

  63. I have not even bought one 2010 calendar! I need two and haven't even take the time to look. I always buy ones that envolve my dogs or porches, or flowers. Never can find craft or fiber related calendars.

    This year I am hoping to do some hand dying, knitting with wire and trying my hand at Fair Isle. Every year should be a learning year!

  64. I'd love to be included! I'm always so inspired by your posts and photos!
    Although I already knit a good bit, one of my goals for this year is to learn how to knit socks! I also want to have a better go at an herb garden. I've had one in the past, but this year I want to do another one...but make it pretty as well as functional.
    Thanks for the give-away!
    Amy O/picketfencemom

  65. Would love the calendar. Not sure on my craftiness this year, but definitely more sewing. . .

  66. Love your calendar! Thanks for the great give-away!

    My plans for 2010 include knitting and crocheting blankets for each of my children.

  67. So hoping to win your lovely inspirational calendar....

    A year ago I turned my grown son's old room into an awesome craft room. I have only dabbled in it but intend to make some amazing things this year. If I can design and sew a beautiful dress for my son's wedding in June, I will feel content for the year!

  68. Great calendar, I'm crossing my fingers!

    Right now I'm working on a quilt, three sweaters and a hat. I know it sounds like a lot!!!

  69. You have the best giveaway's!! thanks for including me...

    I'm running one, too ~ till Friday!! Come and check it out...

  70. Love visiting your blog. I have made literally probably a hundred of those washcloths when you shared the pattern in Somerset Life. I even made my first pair of socks this year! This calendar is lovely, and would love to own a little piece of your world. Please count me in. Thanks, Nancy ncvanhoose@comcast.net

  71. What a perfect sized calendar! With lovely photos too.

    I'm currently working on a pillow for my bed. I want to learn to knit socks so I enrolled in a knitting class this spring to make sure I do!

  72. Happy New Year! I am a new quilter so my goal this year is to have fun with some quilts. I am working on a hanging now and then on to my Trailer Trashed camping quilt. Can't wait. Thanks for the giveaway!

  73. oh how lovely! perfectly cheery for my desk at work...

    for 2010, i am DETERMINED to learn how to use my sewing machine proficiently, and how to follow a pattern. we're getting ready to start our family, and i refuse to not know how to make my children's clothes and halloween costumes!

  74. Anonymous10:59 AM

    I take a "daily dip" in to your inspiring blog. Although I live "over the pond" I feel like you're an "e-friend" and love to browse and enter your world. The calender would be a reminder of my homespun living "dip" and fill me with inspiration for 2010.

  75. I have SO many creative endevours. This year the big project for me is learning to be creative frugally. This is so difficult when an obsession for yarn and fabric exists. The first step I believe will be to use what I have and finish UFO's.

  76. Thursday? That's my birthday! It would be fun to receive this then. :-) I plan to crochet more this year.

  77. Beautiful photos. I would love to win. I'm committed to making some punchneedle projects as well as a wool candle mat and a penny rug.

  78. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Happy New Year!
    The picture of the sunflower on the cover of your calander looks like it has a little face which I think is made by the petals bent over. It made me smile and think of summer on a very cold and snowy day here in the UK!

  79. The calender looks lovely. Have a very happy new year! I am going to learn to knit socks from the toe up. :)

  80. I have been so excited to discover your blog(been reading about a week)! I want to make some skirts for this summer for my daughter and I. I also want to make some of your pot holders,they are just lovely!

  81. What a wonderful little calendar - I would love to own and use it! As for craftwork, I am hoping to do some straw marquetry, the last time I did any was about 25 years ago!

  82. I love your blog! I plan to expand my sock knitting horizons, and make some aprons and totebags as gifts.

  83. What a cute giveaway! I'm hoping to make some pillowcases for the American Patchwork & Quilting magazine challenge and my sons wants a quilt for his college dorm!

    Happy Sewing everyone!

  84. Commenting! Looks lovely, thanks for the opportunity!
    I'm hoping to finish a pullover (knitting), start a cardigan, start another pullover, continue with socks, and pull out the sewing machine this year. Nothin' but ideas overflowing, waiting to be created...

  85. I would love to be the lucky one to win your calendar!

    I'm only a beginning crafter but I'm planning to make a crocheted throw for my Mam, and a squirrel throw with embroidery done by all four of us for my mother-in-law who is turning 70 this year. We don't have squirrels here in New Zealand, but my MIL has travelled to family in Canada and fell in love with them there :o)

  86. I just recently found your blog and I wanted to tell you how beautiful all of your photos are. I'm not exactly a crafty person and with 3 children, there wouldn't be a whole lot of time to be 'crafty' in :) But it is truly a pleasure to read what you've been making and again, the photos, simply gorgeous. Have a wonderful new year.

  87. I too would love to win your calender!

    My big project this year is to knit a handbag and felt it, I have a book with patterns in and found some wonderful and cheap wool in Hamburg, Germany and filled my little case with it. Just need to finish two other projects first, that is the cardigan I have nearly finished and my sisters wedding scrapbook before her 1st anniversary!!

  88. Thursday is my birthday, so winning a calendar would be a nice little gift. :) Happy New Year!

    Loretta in GA

  89. I'd love a chance to win. Thanks so much. I LOVE Your blog!!!!! (and your house)

  90. Winning this calendar would be wonderful! I haven't brought one yet and this one is so cute! I love the tea cosy and the little acorn...so cute! Thanks for the chance to win!

  91. thanks for the chance on the calendar!

    I'm using all my flannel quilt scraps to make a scrapy star and log cabin quilt. So good to use up my stash.. reason to buy more!

  92. Your calender looks gorgeous. I am planning on doing lots of embroideries, and finishing a few ufo's amongst other things this year.
    Hope you have a wonderful 2010!

  93. I have been reading your blog for some time now. I am starting the new year with leaving comments on the different sites I look at almost daily. I truly enjoy your site. I would love a chance at winning your calendar. I love all your creative designs. You are very talented.

  94. I really enjoy your blog. You provide wonderful inspiration! My Mom and I are going to start crocheting dishcloths, but a good portion of my time will be going to my business at pjclarkdesigns.com.

    Thanks so much,

  95. Hi Deb ~

    I have many projects planned for 2010, but the two main things are to, 1. finish my daughter's sweater that I started 3 years ago and as a result was too small so I had to take it all out and start anew, and 2.) reorganize my sewing area to make it more efficient.

    THanks for having this giveaway!


  96. I would love to will a calender!

    Your pictures are beautiful~
    Warm and cozy~
    I will be over for tea soon! Ok not really but if you lived closer maybe!?

    Blessings and Love,
    Georgiann from THE GARDEN GATE!

  97. I would love to hang your calendar in my kitchen.....what great inspiration. What could be better than nesting at home. This year, I hope to finish one afghan, start two more, and start crafting Christmas gifts for 2010.

  98. I would love this calendar! This year I plan to get better at knitting and sewing.

  99. I would love your calendar. You inspire me more than you will ever know. I love reading your blog and wish you could post three or four times a day! Looking forward to the next post.


  100. Well, in 2010 I am hoping to get quite a few of my UFO's done...especially my Home Sweet Home quilt top. I have some unsewing to do on it before I can get is started again. Love the calendar.

  101. My creative projects to do? Oh, so many! I want to knit myself a sweater, take more photos, scrapbook little moments, create cards to send to friends "just because,"...the list goes on! One of my 2010 Intentions is to turn off the tv, internet, etc one night a week and CREATE!

  102. What a lovely giveaway...very creative too I might add!
    I would love to be entered!


  103. You have a very sweet blog.
    I collect acorns so when I noticed the knitted acorn I said enter me, please! Very nice calendar. Beautiful Horse


  104. Oh I would love to win. Talk about last minute, I'm entering at 10:41pm Wed night! Hope it's not too late to enter :)

  105. Happy New Year! Really enjoy you blog! I am going to learn how to knit this year. Now to find the perfect dvd to teach me! I would love to have your beautiful calendar!

  106. What a lovely summer photo!
    I would love to win your calendar :)
    This is so nice giveaway.

  107. Love your calendar! Love your pictures! Love your blog!

  108. I may be too late for the giveaway, but that does not matter. I am a new reader to your post and just adore it. Your projects and outlook on everything is delightful. Thanks for sharing a part of yourself through your blog.

    Blessings to you and yours this New Year.


  109. I love your blog and your photos> The calendar would be awesome!! Hope you had a wonderful holiday!! I have already started a fabulous pair of Jaywalker socks, and am continuing to work on a Moderene Log Cabin Afghan!! Will stay in touch to see you beautiful projects!!

  110. The calendar looks beautiful. My project list includes, knitted shawl for my daughter, new hot pads, a placemat for my daughter to take in her lunchbox, new napkins, several drawstrings bags to condense some clutter, lavender eye pillows, apron for daughter, slipcovers for couch, and finish or get rid of the unfinished projects stash. That's a start to 2010 anyway.
    Happy New Year.

  111. This comment has been removed by the author.

  112. Congrats to the winner, but I just wanted to comment that your calendar is beautiful. :)


Thank you for taking time to leave a comment--I love reading each and every one! I will try to answer any questions you have in the comment section. Due to the amount of spam, I am sadly no longer able to accept Anonymous comments....Kindly, Deb


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