Monday, June 25, 2012

June nature journal

There is so much to see on a walk in June,
here are a few of my pictures and notes...

robin's nest
::robins rarely use the same nest for two consecutive broods::

wild roses along the hedgerow {unknown}
::I gathered their beautiful red rose hips last winter for decorating::

birdsfoot trefoil {Lotus corniculatus L.}
::A remnant from our hayfield::

common daisy {Chrysanthemum leucanthemum}
::Also called the Ox-eye or Field Daisy::

black-eyed susan {Rudbeckia serotina}
::Named after Linnaeus' old professor, Olaf Rudbeck::

purple milkweed {Asclepia purpurascens}
::Much favored by butterflies, hence the name Butterfly-weed::

It's always sad to see June go.


  1. So lovely. There is such beauty in the humble flowers around us.

  2. Lovely photos and yes, June does pass too quickly.

  3. A beautiful walk. So many pretty wildflowers. I love Black Eyed Susan. To me, that is Summer! xx

  4. Oh! I enjoyed the walk! Thanks for taking us along. . .

  5. I'm jealous of your robin's nest! I wish a bird would at least use my bird house!

  6. Nature walks are always peacful and soothing!


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