Monday, February 24, 2014

Where Women Create Giveaway

How nice it was this past week to curl up with a hot cup of tea and a new magazine while I was feeling a bit miserable with a cold.  Luis, from Stampington and Company, kindly sent out the latest issue of Where Women Create and offered to provide another to one my readers as a giveaway prize!

If you're already familiar with the magazine, you know how well-done and inspiring it is.  The photos are gorgeous, and I could spend hours pouring over the details of each artist's workspace.  The accompanying articles reveal each woman's story--whatever your creative level, I think you will find inspiration.

The current issue features the work spaces of Kristin Nicholas {seen on the cover}, Joanna Madden, Lisa Leonard, and Karla Nathan ,just to name a few...
If you would like to enter to win a copy of this Spring issue, please leave your comment below {only one per person, please}; it is sure to help banish the winter blues!



  1. Would enjoy this!

  2. Anonymous4:32 PM

    I'm in the process of spiffing up my office/craft room and would enjoy the inspiration! Also, I am a fan of Lisa Leonard and would enjoy seeing her creative environment.

  3. It's snowing here, I have the sniffles, and my sewing room thinks I've abandoned it. Inspiration would be good!

  4. Love the magazine, and I could really use a little creative inspiration. Blessings :)

  5. I would love to win a copy. Perhaps it will provide inspiration for my sewing room.

  6. An awesome giveaway - inspiring ideas are needed in this crafting house!!

  7. Would love it...thanks for the opportunity! It looks full of inspiration....just like your blog! :)

  8. This magazine is new to me, as you are too. I just found you today and must admit I am smitten with your blog and creativity. Everything is so beautiful and simple. Since I have recently done a major downsize, some new inspiration is just what I need. Thanks so much for the opportunity.....from.....a new fan.

  9. What a lovely cover! I can only guess at what delights are within....fingers crossed, natalie jo

  10. I am in need of some inspiration! Thanks for the opportunity. I would love to delight in all the details. :)

  11. I love that magazine! I recently converted oldest daughter's bedroom to my studio and used the magazine for inspiration.

  12. I could use some inspiration for my quilting space.

  13. Count me in, I love that magazine!

  14. thanks for the opportunity! count me in! looks like a great magazine!

  15. I would love to win it! I haven't seen that magazine,

  16. Love this magazine and the artist spaces.

  17. What a great idea for a magazine.
    Looks interesting.

  18. Never seen this magazine would love an issue!
    Thank you

  19. Never seen this magazine would love an issue!
    Thank you

  20. Please enter me in the drawing. A little inspiration this time of year is always helpful!! Thanks!

  21. We are in the midst of a real wintery storm, we have frozen rain, some snow, but it's mainly just wet and muddy. Tends to give one the winter blues for sure and seeing the cover of the latest magazine, gives anyone a smile. Thanks for the chance to win a copy. Inspiration is always welcomed. :)

  22. I have some of the "Where Women Cook" magazine, but have never gotten "Where Women Create"...what a nice giveaway!

  23. i'd love to win! it looks like such a wonderful magazine. :)

  24. I love that magazine and have so much fun looking at the pictures and reading the articles. It is snowing here right now so I need a little Spring pick me up!
    Thanks for sharing.

  25. Thanks for the giveaway! Anna K, mattandanna at live dot com

  26. I have seen only 1 issue of this magazine. I would love to see another issue.

  27. It would be great to win a copy of this magazine. It might just make me forget yesterday's return to winter after a warm up last weekend here in Western New York State.

  28. I would love to win a copy of this beautiful magazine. Kristin Nicholas is one of my favorite designers. Thanks for the giveaway!

  29. I would love to win a copy of this magazine. Looking for a little inspiration to pull me out of a long, cold winter!

  30. Anonymous8:22 AM

    I could use some Spring inspiration. I would enjoy seeing Lisa Leonard's creative space. Thanks!

  31. Anonymous8:38 AM

    The cover looks so inviting-perfect for an afternoon outside with a cup of delicious and hopefully a little sunshine. Put my name in the hat please, Anne

  32. Ooh! I'd love to win!

  33. Thanks for the chance to win! I sure could use some creative inspiration at this time of year.

  34. thanks so much! And hope you are feeling much better... Thank YOU for your blog which will bring me spring inspiration

  35. Thanks for the opportunity to win this issue of the magazine.

  36. I would love to be put in for this giveaway what a wonderful magazine....

  37. Looks like a lovely way to spend an afternoon. Hope you're feeling much better.

  38. What I should really do is quit buying magazines like this and save the money for one of your grain sack bags! ;) I love them so much!

  39. I hadn't heard of this magazine. Looks like it is filled with fun ideas!

  40. How did I not know that this magazine existed? I've been on the website of "Where Women Create." I would love to win a copy!

  41. Thanks for the opportunity! Would love to win this magazine.

  42. Sorry you are down with a cold. Hope you are better soon. I would love a copy of this magazine - thanks for the opportunity to win one!

  43. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Love your blog. It's so inspirational, just like the magazine. Thank you!

  44. What a generous giveaway. The magazine looks lovely. thank you for the chance.

  45. I would love to receive your give-away.

  46. Thank you for doing this. I would love to win a copy!!

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. I can certainly use some inspiration for my workspace. Thanks for the chance!

  49. Thus looks like an awesome issue. Love the slippers below, adding those to the list. Thanks

  50. This would be wonderful inspiration as I am currently cleaning and organizing my spare room. Count me in... thanks!

  51. I've never heard of this magazine; thanks for introducing it to us and giving us a chance to win one. :)

  52. Please enter me in the giveaway. ravelry id is pyemb.

  53. Perfect timing - I'm clearing out a work space of my own and looking for ideas. Thanks for the chance to win!

  54. Oh, by the way, I want to comment on your pink/red chair. I assume it's very old and I know we've seen it in many different looks so cozy!

  55. I could use a spring pick-me-up. It's snowing and blowing and the temps are going below zero tonight. I bought some seeds a couple days ago....just a need to think about warmer days to come.

  56. I love that magazine! I have a copy of an older issue that I refer to often. So inspiring to my creativiy. I'd love to be entered in the drawing.

  57. Oh this would be a wonderful read! You started following me on Pinterest & I am SOOOO happy you did! Kelly Your bags are fantastic!


Thank you for taking time to leave a comment--I love reading each and every one! I will try to answer any questions you have in the comment section. Due to the amount of spam, I am sadly no longer able to accept Anonymous comments....Kindly, Deb


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