Friday, February 01, 2008


The Clapotis, started back here, is finished...
...and I love it. I used Knit Picks 'Gossamer' laceweight, 100% merino wool, color Blue Jeans; double stranded.
It can be scarf or shawl and has been keeping me cozy warm when I've ventured out on some of the frigid days we have had recently. Sometimes I use it like a shawl in the morning before the woodstove has warmed up the house.
And, also finished, a beret to match...
...using Knit Picks 'Wool of the Andes' in Arctic Pool Heather. I knit it on two needles (rather than circular) using a combination of two patterns ~ a larger version of the child's beret from Debbie Bliss' Family Knits and this Woman's Day Magazine Parisian beret.
And, I have just enough yarn left for some fingerless gloves.
After a wind storm yesterday, it is now snowing out like crazy; a perfect weekend for projects!
Happy Weekend!!


  1. Oh, how lovely. Say, do you have any great crochet patterns for a newbie? I am doing simple dish cloths and have a few patterns, but maybe there something else simple you could suggest. You always inspire me with your creations!

    Have a warm, cozy day,

  2. Beautiful! Wish I could knit.

  3. Both pieces are beautiful! You did a GREAT job with them!

  4. Lovely lovely scarf/shawl. Blue is my favorite color and that yarn color is yummy. Enjoy the warmth. I'm going to try my hand at socks and a pair of fingerless gloves this month. That's my goal and I hope to stick to it, LOL.

    Enjoy the snow and have a wonderful cozy and creative weekend.

    Hugs - Karen

  5. I love the beret with the scarf and the blue is ever such a pretty color.

  6. Anonymous5:59 PM

    I really wish I could make sense of English knitting patterns... it looks lovely will have to google for some German ones...

  7. Oh you'll have the complete set when you make the gloves. I love the shawl so much. We have the same problem of trying to get warm, while we are waiting for the woodburning stove to get going ~ Julia x

  8. Love both the scarf and that darling beret, they are lovely. I especially like the yarn you used for the scarf/shawl. Enjoy the weekend, stay warm and cozy. Linda

  9. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Lovely knits !

  10. I love the scarf! The color is gorgeous and it looks so warm & cozy!

  11. That is a beautiful set. And a great idea to have a scarf that can become a warmer wrap. I might just try that. For next year. I'll never get it done during this current cold spell! ~Adrienne~

  12. I like very much the beret you knitted, what a pretty name the wool has too, 'Arctic Pool Heather'
    I wish I could knit sleeveless gloves but have no idea how to use three needles...
    Have a nice cozy week end!

  13. Lovely hat and scarf,I love knitting just wish I had more time to do it !!We have had a light snowfall,last night it started like huge cotton wool balls but alas did not last more than an hour.But thanks to a sharp frost all night it looked white this morning.Most of it has melted now except in sheltered areas behind hedges.

  14. This is a gorgeous set Deb. Love the colour.

  15. I have the happy honor to inform you that you have officially made my day! I hereby bequeath to you and your blog the "You Make My Day" Award! Come by and check it out!
    I have enjoyed your blog, keep it up! :)

  16. Your scarf/shawl is just beautiful! I love the color. The hat is really cute, too.

  17. Aw Deb, stop hiding behind that camera. Let us see your pretty face. Please.

  18. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Both are really lovely! I like that you can use the scarf as shawl. You always make me wish I could knit!



Thank you for taking time to leave a comment--I love reading each and every one! I will try to answer any questions you have in the comment section. Due to the amount of spam, I am sadly no longer able to accept Anonymous comments....Kindly, Deb


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