Thursday, August 07, 2008

a garden walk

One of my favorite forms of free entertainment is a garden walk--and they are such a great source of new ideas! I would love to go to them all, but don't seem to find the time. Here is a peek at one we went to a few weeks ago...

{I must plant some bee balm next spring!!}

Hope you enjoyed it too!


  1. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Those pictures are just gorgeous. I love to see all of the clever ideas people have!

  2. I love the fork idea...very cute. Thanks for taking us along! cherry

  3. If only every home, large or small could be built with a touch of romance such as these and set about with such beautiful gardens! Pure inspriation!

  4. Your photos are wonderful! May I come walk with you? Thank you for taking us along with you today.

  5. Anonymous9:55 PM

    What a lovely walk - I especially liked the kitchen garden ;0)

    Thank you for sharing...


  6. I just love garden walks! I always forget to bring my camera, though. I, too, love the fork idea!

  7. Love the kitchen garden! What a great idea with the forks!

  8. I love the last photo, very Secret Garden.

  9. Bee balm is wonderful, I have red, purple and a lovely pink. I enjoy the herbal smell it brings to my garden as well as the hummingbirds!Its also a very easy keeper. Thanks for the walk.

  10. How beautiful! And inspiring!

  11. Wow, how beautiful! I loved coming along with you on the walk! So inspirational. I had to smile when I saw the forks. Such a great idea. :)

  12. Very lovely, and I love those flower signs staked to forks, how cute is that:-)

  13. Lovely... tranquil... peaceful and oh so beautiful.

  14. Anonymous5:57 AM

    What a breathtaking walk it was! I am blown away by the beauty! Thank you for the garden tours!

  15. When I lived in the Midwest I had bee balm. I loved it and so did the bees. Just make sure you have plenty of room for it to expand. It's not invasive, though. I also love garden walks. Yours was lovely.

  16. What beautiful houses and gardens; very inspiring. I always forget about bee balm until I see it blooming!


  17. Beautiful pictures! Thank you for sharing.


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