Friday, August 01, 2008

in the kitchen and out...

The power of the internet...
~'meeting' a wonderful friend from another country,
~chatting across the miles via e-mail,
~sharing a favorite muffin recipe so kindly sent to me...

...a perfect way to use up some blueberries just picked. Thank you Claire, the muffins were delicious with my tea!!

Now I'm headed outside to sit on the glider with these...

I'll be rocking and summer keeping you busy too?


  1. Once again, you treat us to a visual feast! Dear me, your photographs are so exquisite!

  2. Oh those green beans look yummy. What do I have to do to get that blueberry muffin recipe?

  3. I'd love to be snapping some beans right now! but I would have to do it inside. It's too hot to be out right now.
    I bet the muffins were awesome!

  4. Hi Deb. I'm pleased you had a lovely vacation. I had to comment today when I saw the pot holder you sent me is now in your banner. I still have it in my kitchen, hanging next to the stove.

    Nice beans!

  5. Love your new blog header....and have enjoyed your blog for several months now. Are the beans from your garden? They look divine! Drop by to "see" me at the Home Acre (my new blog).

  6. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Hi Deb looks like my kind of summer break relaxing by the lake, your pictures are perfect, also glad you enjoyed the blueberry muffins do share the recipe as it seems others are asking for it in the comments. Our summer is just picking up, the weather has been rather dull up till now, will e-mail you soon. Claire

  7. You make summer days look so lovely. It has been so HOT here it's hard to really enjoy the days. But you've given me a really pleasant respite.

  8. Hi Deb, I haven't been here in a while, the beans look wonderful and I agree with Jessica, it would be nice to hae the blueberry muffin recipe. Your blog is really great. I would love to know how you guys get the lovely backgrounds. I just have a plain one. God Bless!!

  9. Anonymous12:50 AM

    Great blog, just found it, but will be a regular from now..

  10. Yum we just had fresh green beans tonight that our neighbors gave us. Nothing like a bite of summer.

    Hugs - karen

  11. Those beans look great, my favourite vegetable!

  12. Lovely summer pictures! Everything looks delicious!

  13. Anonymous5:48 PM

    How cozy to sit and snap peas while swinging on the glider! You manage to paint the loveliest pictures for us with a few choice photos and phrases... I feel as if I have gone back in time to a warm summer day when my mother was a girl... Hope you are having a lovely summer! It was so nice to hear from you.

  14. I just ran across your blog... I totally LOVE it!

  15. I always love your simple elegant photos....sighhhhhhh cherry

  16. Those beans look so wonderfully fresh and crisp. Not like the ones at our supermarket! Fresh blueberry muffins would be delightful. Isn't summer a wonderful time of the year!

  17. Those beans look so wonderfully fresh and crisp. Not like the ones at our supermarket! Fresh blueberry muffins would be delightful. Isn't summer a wonderful time of the year!

  18. I just ran across your blog... I totally LOVE it!

  19. How cozy to sit and snap peas while swinging on the glider! You manage to paint the loveliest pictures for us with a few choice photos and phrases... I feel as if I have gone back in time to a warm summer day when my mother was a girl... Hope you are having a lovely summer! It was so nice to hear from you.

  20. I am making plum jam today. Wish you were making it with me (I hate making jam, you could keep me company) xoxoxo Clarice

  21. Hi Deb, I haven't been here in a while, the beans look wonderful and I agree with Jessica, it would be nice to hae the blueberry muffin recipe. Your blog is really great. I would love to know how you guys get the lovely backgrounds. I just have a plain one. God Bless!!

  22. Love your new blog header....and have enjoyed your blog for several months now. Are the beans from your garden? They look divine! Drop by to "see" me at the Home Acre (my new blog).

  23. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Hi Deb looks like my kind of summer break relaxing by the lake, your pictures are perfect, also glad you enjoyed the blueberry muffins do share the recipe as it seems others are asking for it in the comments. Our summer is just picking up, the weather has been rather dull up till now, will e-mail you soon. Claire


Thank you for taking time to leave a comment--I love reading each and every one! I will try to answer any questions you have in the comment section. Due to the amount of spam, I am sadly no longer able to accept Anonymous comments....Kindly, Deb


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